


4 years, 6 months ago


Roza |♀️| Kittie

Design Notes
Creator MudSquelcher
Worth [55$]
Character Info
Name Roza
Species Kittie
Age 23
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Unemployed\Musician
Strength 6
Perception 5
Endurance 7
Charisma 2
Intelligence 8
Agility 5
Luck 7
Theme Song Power To The People
Quote Eat The Rich

Roza exists outside of the story more then any of my characters (although all my sonas do too some extent). Roza is my main sona, and also the repersentation of me in most scenerios. Her personality and story here are only those of the story. Her actual personaltiy and backstory are the same as mine as she repesents me. The more accurate discription of her story can be found in the bio for my character Florence, Who only represents me.

Roza is a 23 Y/O Kittie who _____. Her Father Left When She was a young child although she doesnt know when and has no memory of him. Her Mother passed away when she was 8, Leaving her to live with her Aunt, Whom was politely, A motherless whore. Her aunt kicked her out at the age of 15 upon learning she was trans. Roza then went to live with Mixolydia and her family. Roza and Mixo then began dating and Roza was no longer welcome to live with them when she turned 18, which was when Baby let Roza live with her on the condition that roza would help run the bakery. Roza still does, mainly in an advertising sense but she is also the defacto security if anything where to happen.

People assume that Roza is a tired angry cold hearted bitch. Thats because she is, well at least how she is to outsiders. She doesnt like associating with anyone really, unless she already knows and likes them. She only has a select group of people who she trusts, but she trusts them with her life and loves them severally. There are only 6 people that she trusts completely, Mixo, Baby, and Woodstock of course. But also (UC) (UC) and (UC). She has an easier time getting along with people if someone she trusts trust them, so she can be cordiual with Telecom and (UC)

Roza is Well, Rather Political, It's her main interest alongside her guitar. Although part of her knows that her political views will never be widely excepted let alone embraced in mainstream politics. However, she still holds them dear trying to find other who agree with her and fiercely debating anyone who doesn't. She spends most of her free time not spent reading about politics playing with her band _____. She started it alongside Mixolydia when she moved in with her, however Mixo moved away from the band as a performing member and is now the band's producer and she also plays synthesizer for them.

Roza is part of the titular polycule, Along with Mixolydia, Baby, and Woodstock. She is closest to Baby (like pretty much everyone) as she had given her a place to live when she turned 18. She and Baby didnt start to date until 1979. She is also extremely close to Mixo due to there long history together. She Has A few other friends such as (UC) and (UC), But she tends to be hard to get along with unless she likes you.

original design by realtense
code by zodia