


9 years, 4 months ago


Sweet Dreams...

Name Nacht
Age ageless
Gender genderless - male presenting
S.O Not Picky
Status Taken


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adjective . adjective . adjective

Nacht is the living embodiment of a Nightmare and has been around since the birth of fear. He is the balance to his brother Traum who is essentially the sand man. His true form is a large creature that has slick, oily fur and a void inside its belly. He prefers his demon looking form for convenience. Nacht is cocky and is powerful enough to not have to worry about much backlash. Over time, information about him has become hazy in literature, many no longer even aware of his existence. As far as his more combative abilities go, he's able to turn his blood into weapons which appear black and colorful like an oil slick.

His transformative abilities are rather limitless, his form able to morph into anything he desires although he restricts it to only a few forms. The barb on his tail can sting others, plunging them into horrible nightmares and fever. He can read the fears of others, making his nightmares extremely potent and he uses the level of fear created to quite literally fuel himself. Despite this, his main targets are horrible people who have done horrible things. He has a soft spot for children and will often ensure that no nightmares come to them when he is around. Although he leans quite often in to the horrible reputation he has been given, it has worn down on him over the years and truly dislikes being blamed for nightmares and harms that were not inflicted by him. He does not enjoy the suffering of others.

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