


Basic Info

Full Name:

Citrinne Maviska


Arch Bishop


Bounty hunter, later got hired part-time to Starlight Breeze


26th November (29 years old)








A salty, and short-tempered Arch Bishop working as a bounty hunter with her partner Koshi. She is very picky of her groupmates and won't hesitate to ditch her party if they happen to be mere plebs. 

Background Story

Citrinne was has been living and training her healing skills since she was orphaned at the tender age of 12, as her mother succumbed to illness. She was taken in by her uncle who mainly works as a bounty hunter. Wanted to help out, Cit learns advanced clergy and eventually becomes a priest, taking the healer role for the family.

Years later, her uncle decided to retire and Citrinne continues her work as cleric for hire. In her early days as an adventurer, she joined a guild who had a link with Rune Midgard's officials, as she wanted to contribute something to her country. After a while, she realized they barely did any missions in their leader’s absence.

The division captain and members she was in are slacking and never takes missions seriously, resulting in more failures than success, but they were never caught because they often forged their reports together. Despite her disappointment and not wanting to participate in any of it, her superiors left her with no other choice and forced her to forge her reports as well. She eventually grew bitter over her guild.

As she had enough of the lies, she decided to resign, but before she could she was expelled from the guild. Her captain threw her under the bus and spreads lies and slandered her name, saying the reason for her expulsion was from her insubordination towards higher command. Sadly, the guild leader took the captain’s words against her.

Hurt from the betrayal, she turned cold and bitter. She vowed to never join and trust any guild from now on. Eventually, she returned to a life as a bounty hunter once again. She joined a raid party that went wrong and got separated from her group, where she met a Guillotine Cross, Koshinuke, who saved her from the monsters.

Ratia who was looking around for a competent Arch Bishop found her and somehow managed to convince her to join the guild, to fill up the healer position her guild needed after Lucia left. She half-heartedly agreed as in that time she needs the money, but she still refuses to blend in with her new guildmates. Afraid of getting hurt again.


  • Confident, can be slightly arrogant sometimes.
  • Hard-working and determined. She prizes efficiency.
  • Impatient and easy to anger. Usually takes matter into her own hands.
  • Having some kind of trust issues due to betrayal.
  • Was an idealist until corruption in her old guild had turned her salty and sarcastic.
  • Despite that, she can be sweet and caring to people she's close to.


  • Goes by Cit and didn't change her last name for convenience's sake. Calling her 'citrus' or any lemon puns is a sure way to get decked by her.
  • Koshi gave her a ring that allows her to use Cloaking. It's embedded with runes.
  • Since she is very confident with her own healing skills, she can be slightly arrogant sometimes. Still, she respects fellow Arch Bishops and sympathizes with them.
  • Kind of infamous because of her generally salty attitude, but people who know her would tell the opposite, as she only opens up to people she trusts (which is very very few).
  • Owns a female Smokie she named Bandit. She seems enamored with Koshi. 


  • 'Koshinuke' Ken Ryuma
    • Husband. She was the one chasing but somehow turned other way around in the end. Still kind of salty about it. Won't admit it publicly but she loves him nevertheless.
  • Kouseki Ryuma
    • Cit and Koshi's young son, a bit protective of him as his aunt regularly tries to kidnap Kou to train him as her disciple(???). 
  • Valorr D. Ryuma
    • Sister in law whom she believes is actually in some kind of Odin cult(?) as she tries to get her son to be a Paladin since he was a wee baby(??). Tries to keep Kou away from her.