
4 years, 6 months ago


"Take the potion and let me work"
Name: Thistle
Gender: He/Him
Age: Old
Species: Hollowkit
Element: Earth/Nature


Thistle is a loner, who tends to keep to himself. Unlike most Hollowkits, he is not likely to go out to meet others and play. He would much rather stick to his home cave, practicing his alchemy or reading a book. He rarely talks to others, outside of sales or buying potions.

You might assume that he is grumpy or dislikes others, but this is not the case. He is simply devoted to mastering his craft, and tries to avoid distractions. This, doubled with poor social skills, means he just tries to avoid spending to much time with others. Should a hollowkit (or any other creature) try hard enough, you may find a wise and friendly mentor.


Almost every group has a potion maker, and Thistles group was no exception. When Thistle first hatched, the first thing he saw was a dandy lion. He was instantly amazed by the flower, which would become the basis of his future appearance. While dandy lions were his favorite, he soon became interested in all plants.

Fast forward a few years, and the time had come for the groups potion maker to take on an apprentice. He had always kept an eye on young Thistle, due to his elements and intrest in his work. Thistle, when asked if he wanted to become an Alchemist happily agreed and began to train uder the elderly Kit.

The happiest days of his life were spent with him, pouring over notes and picking fresh herbs. Til one night, Thistle woke up to find his mentor... gone. No kit knew where he went, or even seen him leave. All that was left was a note, saying that Thistle was to be the next potion maker of the group.


  • Books/Reading
  • Plants
  • Rain
  • Working
  • Marbles


  • Large groups
  • Romance stories
  • Bright light
  • Fishing
  • Traveling


  • Super fluffy mane: Uncommon
  • Furry body: Uncommon
  • Ears short: Common
  • Skinny tail: Super Rare
  • Four eyes: Super Rare
  • Six feet tall: Rare
  • Two Elements: Myth

Design Details

  • HUGE!!! Please remember that he is around six feet tall!
  • Red on legs can be simplfied to a solid line instead of a gradient if needed!
  • His main body and tail are fluffy, but his face is rubbery!
  • Mane is super long, like a lion!
  • Only draw his real body outside his shell at night or in the rain!




To be made.



To be made.



To be made.
