


4 years, 6 months ago



  • Name Flintrunner
        Prefix Meaning His prefix is based off his pelt color, closely resembling flint.
        Suffix Meaning "Runner" derives from his exceptional speed and long legs.
        Previous Names Flintkit, Flintpaw
    Nicknames Flint

    Clan Marshclan
    Rank Warrior
        Previous Ranks Kit, Apprentice
    Mentor Ivysting
    Apprentices None

    Age 31 moons
    Gender Cis-male
    Sex Male
    Sexuality Heterosexual

RSW_-_Flintrunner.pngBuild  Slender and lean, Flintrunner has very tall and awkwardly lanky legs. However, he is packed with lean muscle.
Fur description Short and coarse.

Accessories ⮞ None
Scars One small scar on his mouth. One going down the middle of his back and two scars on his right hind leg.

Height 29 cm
Weight 7.6 lbs

Voice Dean Winchester (English Version)
Scent A concoction of wildflowers and reeds.


Positive Traits
    { + Reliable }  Driven and hardworking, Flintrunner will see a task done to end with the utmost effort put in. Flintrunner does not want to be a disappointment to anyone, making him extremely dependable. Also incredibly trustworthy, Flintrunner isn't one to kiss-and-tell, he can keep a secret!
    { + Warm }  A pleasant disposition, Flintrunner oozes with positivity and good. He always makes it a point to paint a smile on and appear very cheerful and chipper. Very approachable, you can often find him conversing with someone and making others laugh.
    { + Kind-hearted }  Very caring and willing to help, Flintrunner enjoys taking care of others, making sure everyone is their best! He’s a very good shoulder to cry on, for he comforts and condoles those who do. Inside, Flintrunner has a very tender and soft heart, wishing only to help others.

Neutral Traits
     { = Humble }  Flintrunner often doesn’t recognize his own worth, dismissing a rather kind action as something ‘normal’. He downplays his own efforts, as he expects better of himself. However, also due to his modest nature, he often allows others to step all over him without protest.
    { = Protective }  All the niceties and pleasantries will be thrown out the window for his precious little siblings. Although Flintrunner may be a softie at heart, Starclan forbid anyone go near his family or talk about them badly. He has a strong sense of family, and he will protect them with all he has.
    { = Hard-working }  Any task thrown at Flintrunner he will complete to the fullest extent. However, frequently, Flintrunner forgets to stop,  believing that he needs to keep working and training in order to become better, often causing him to overwork. He keeps taking on tasks until he’s overloaded, trying to meet others' expectations as well as his own high standards.

Negative Traits 
    { - Altruistic }  Showing a complete disinterest in his own well being, Flintrunner is more concerned with how his clanmates are doing than himself. He will sacrifice anything that he needs in order to make others happy, This can be extremely detrimental to his health as he often denies help or even acknowledges that he’s sick, claiming he can ‘work through it.’
    { - Timorous }  Without showing it, Flintrunner has extremely low self-esteem. Stemming from his lack of confidence, he often thinks of himself incompetent. This is also the result of the extremely high standards he holds for himself, which makes him criticize himself harshly on everything he does.
    { - Reserved }  Flnitrunner keeps a mask on, never truly revealing his full emotions. He keeps up iron walls, blocking others out from his emotional state, which is his way of avoiding his feelings. This creates a ticking time bomb of emotions inside of him, which often explodes when he is alone.

Mental Illness: Insomnia

- This illness will cause Flintrunner to have daytime drowsiness which makes it harder for him to finish or concentrate on his tasks and responsibilities.

- Extremely painful headaches will also occur due to his sleep-deprived state which requires frequent trips to the medicine cat den, interrupting his daily work.

- The pain from these headaches often leads to crankiness and overall rudeness or withdrawal from him.

- Flinterunner's type of insomnia will allow him to initially fall asleep, however after a nightmare, he won't be able to fall back asleep. This results in him staying up the whole night and sneaking out of camp.


    Blossompool ⮞ Mother ⮞ Tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes.
    Redbranch Father ⮞ Orange tabby tom with white spotting and green eyes.

    Tansypaw⮞ Brother ⮞ Cream tabby tom with curly fur and green eyes.
Hootpaw ⮞ Sister ⮞ Fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with white spotting and green eyes.                                    Heavytalon ⮞ Brother ⮞ Large cream tabby tom with amber eyes.




Mate None
    Previous mates None
    Romantic interests None
    Looking for None

Likes in a potential mate

Dislikes in a potential mate

interested in kits Yes
preferred family size Small






Den Building
Battle Tactics 
Hunting Tactics
Herbal Knowledge 

- Kithood (0 - 6 moons) -
    Flintkit was born into a very loving family, with his parents Blossompool and Redbranch, alongside his brother Heavykit. Flintkit and Redbranch were always close, as Flintkit always played with him. He always used to crack jokes and pull pranks with his brother Heavykit, making him a bit of a mischievous kit. He got into trouble with it quite a bit from Blossompool, but Redbranch would laugh along with him, they were harmless anyway.                                                                                                 As he matured, Flintkit watched his father go out on patrols and do his clan duties. This rubbed off on him, as he then wanted to serve his clan and protect his clanmates, just like his dad did! He used to ‘train’ with the apprentices, learning stances and moves, which often turned into play-fighting sessions. Flintkit couldn’t wait to become an apprentice with his brother and train together!

- Apprenticeship (6 - 12 moons) -
   When Flintkit was appointed as Flintpaw, Ivysting was assigned his mentor. At first, the two didn’t get along, as Ivysting often criticized his moves and the way he did things. They argued often, usually ending up in Flintpaw storming off. He soon figured out that if he applied her corrections to what he did, he improved. Soon, the two were inseparable, as he loved to talk her ear off and she, even if she acted like she didn’t, enjoyed his excited rambling. Flintpaw trained often, as often as he could with Ivysting, as he enjoyed learning new things. He also often trained with Heavypaw and Redbranch, practicing his fighting moves against them both! He and Heavypaw regularly had competitions to see who could catch the most prey or beat dad first.
   At 7 moons, cats from Marshclan started going missing. Frustrated that he couldn’t stop it from happening, he conceded that if he trained harder, maybe he could help stop them from disappearing. He saw the distraught and fear in his clan when this went on, including in his own parents and sibling. He felt fear himself, wondering if it was going to be his brother or his dad next! No, he couldn’t let that happen, so he trained as hard as could, so he could protect everyone. He had to.
   Nearing the end of his apprenticeship, Flintpaw gained a lot of respect for Ivysting, coming to realize what an outstanding warrior she truly was! They become extremely close friends, as Flintpaw really only ever opened up to her, telling her his feelings.

- Warriorhood (12 - present moons) - 
    Flintpaw was named Flintrunner on his warrior ceremony, alongside his brother, Heavytalon. During his vigil, Flintrunner watched the stars twinkle and dance, almost as if they were alive. It calmed his nerves and excitement as he sat with his brother for the rest of the night. Flintrunner enjoyed his warrior duties as he was allowed out whenever, and he frequently went on patrols and hunting with his dad. They became closer when Flintrunner aged up, as he always hung out with his dad, talking with him and spending time with him. If Flintrunner wasn’t with his dad, then he was with Ivysting. He had started to miss her old cranky ways, realizing what a valuable time he had with his mentor.
   However, his joy was cut short with more cats going missing and two legs popping up. One of these cats was Heavytalon’s mentor, Elmthorn. Flintrunner saw what this did to his brother, how he longed for his mentor again. He thought about how he would feel is Ivysting had gone missing, and couldn’t bear the thought. Flintrunner turned to his only solution, to train harder.
   When the two legs raided their camp, he fled alongside his family to Emberclan. He grew resentment for these two legs, who dare gave them a right to chase them out of their home!? He hated the helpless feeling that grew in him as he watched more and more cats disappear. While at Emberclan, Flintrunner made it a point to keep a check on his family and Ivysting, not wanting them to disappear as well. He talked to many other cats from different clans, making friends with some of them. He loved joking around with the apprentices and cheering up the cats who had lost loved ones.
   Once the scents of the two legs became faint, some of the cats came back! Flintrunner was brimming with joy when he saw the relief and happiness so many cats encountered after seeing a lost family member. However, he couldn’t help but feel guilty when he noticed Elmthorn hadn’t come back. Flintrunner wished he could have helped his brother in any way, but all he could do was watch from the sidelines.
   A couple of moons went by as normal, as he spent more and more time with Ivysting, enjoying her sarcastic remarks and witty one-liners! He often patrolled with his brother and father, and started spending more time with his mother as well! During this time, a rouge named Onyx started to cause Cloudclan troubles, splitting them in half. Some went to Marshclan while others went to Hailclan. During this time, Flintrunner’s little siblings were born, Tansykit and Hootkit.
   He and Heavytalon always went around to nursery, bringing them back snakeskins! Flintrunner loved letting them climb on top of him and playing with them. He loved cracking jokes and practical jokes with them, almost as if he were a kit again! However, he knew, the minute he laid his eyes on them, he’d do anything to protect them. He could tell that his brother felt the same way. The threat of these rogues became much more imminent for him, he had little siblings to protect now, these rogues needed to leave so his siblings could grow up and flourish.
   With the Storm doing heavier patrols and getting into skirmishes with the clans, all Flintrunner wanted to do was keep his family safe. The families that were separated during this, Flintrunner couldn’t even begin to imagine being away from Heavytalon or Rebranch or even Ivysting for that long! He took pity on those families, understanding their pain. He was happy to hear that some got to switch sides and see their family again.
   The Storm continuously caused trouble, spilling blood and interrupting things. The fact that some cats had gotten hurt put Flintrunner on edge. They needed to end this quickly, with as few deaths as possible. When the opportunity came up to fight, Flintrunner joined in a heartbeat. He wanted to protect his new siblings and his family, and he could finally prove that all his training would not be in vain. His father, brother, and mentor all participated. Flintrunner was sure that they would win this thing!
   He was right, but not in the way he intended. Flintrunner had been fighting near Redbranch and Ivysting at the time it happened. His back was turned, fighting a different Storm molly. It was intense, as the molly was quite quick on her feet, but not fast enough for Flintrunner. By the time he was done with her, he turned around, only to see his father being crushed by another Storm member. No matter how fast he was, he couldn’t reach him in time, only getting there mere seconds after the killing move was executed. As he mourned over his father’s body, he hadn’t been noticing that Ivysting needed help as well. Only noticed when she called out his name, he was too late again. Both of his family, dead, right in front of him, and he wasn’t able to save any of them.
   Numb and bleeding, Flintrunner walked back into camp, alone, with his head down. He passed his mother without a word and sat in a corner, alone, ignoring his deep wounds. He couldn’t look at his father and mentor’s bodies when they were brought back into camp, shame and deep grief engulfed him.
   As moons passed, Flintrunner put up a mask of happiness and parading around with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Their deaths haunt Flintrunner, as he barely sleeps at night, unable to close his eyes without seeing their final moments. Ivysting’s cry for help, it’s something that he will never be able to shake. He is often sleep-deprived due to his nightmares and lack of sleep, causing him to have rather bad headaches as well.
   Flintrunner is still very proud of his siblings for ranking up, however, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to look his mother in the eye anymore.


Redbranch {Father | Marshclan | Dead}

  "Oh Starclan, I-I've failed you..."                  Growing up, as a kit, Flintrunner idolized his father, as he was his hero. They were quite close as well, going on patrols together, they were almost inseparable. Flintrunner feels as if it's his fault for his father's death as he was incapable of saving him. He feels he has failed his father and is a terrible son. 

Blossompool {Mother | Marshclan | Alive}

  "I'm so sorry..."                                                      Although Flintrunner isn't nearly as close with his mother as he was with his father, he feels a sense of pride being her son. He always enjoyed the moments he got to sit down and talk with his mother. However, after failing to save Redbranch, Flintrunner has continually avoided his mother, feeling she blames him for his death.

Heavytalon {Brother | Marshclan | Alive}

  "And then, the sound it made: pftftfftff..."    Flintrunner loved competing and pulling pranks with his brother. He always seemed to be laughing around Heavytalon, no matter what! Flintrunner has started to withdraw from Heavytalon however he is grateful for his brother always being there.

Hootpaw {Sister | Marshclan | Alive}

  "Don't worry, nobody'll ever hurt you I'm here!"   Ever since her birth, Flintrunner has felt the need to protect his youngest sibling. Her tendency to frighten easily has only proven this further. Recently, he's felt as if he doesn't have the capability to do so.

Ivysting {Mentor | Marshclan | Dead}

  "Can you ever forgive me?"                                  At the start of this relationship, Flintrunner was extremely annoyed by her grumpiness and critiques. Over time, they became extremely close, as they both worked hard throughout his apprenticeship. Into warriorhood, Flintrunner often went to her for advice and could be seen joking around together. Flintrunner feels that if he trained more like she always said, maybe she would still be alive.

Tansypaw {Brother | Marshclan | Alive}

  "..."                                                                       Flintrunner is extremely proud of his little brother, becoming a medicine cat apprentice. He admires his positivity and work ethic as he loved to go over and have a pleasant talk after the day's work. Lately, Flintrunner has been avoiding Tansypaw, not wanting him to worry for him and afraid of his little brother's ability to speak with their father.

  •  Family
  •  Sunflowers
  •  Approval
  •  Friends
  •  Stars
  • Incompetence
  • Emotions
  • Failure
  • Talking about his feelings
  • Nightmares
  • 🟆 Flintrunner looks nothing like his family, being a complete black sheep.
  • 🟆 His physique is more useful in Cloudclan territory than his own.
  • 🟆 When he can't sleep, Flintrunner sneaks out of camp to train at night.
  • 🟆 Flintrunner's biggest fear is being a disappointment which came true in his mind when his father died.

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