Weyste Tekhno



4 years, 6 months ago


I'm also thinking more about your general helm mechanic job prospect

[3:21 AM]

Helm mechanics can be any caste, and sometimes offered to trolls as a job as a way of saving themselves from punishments maybe? Anyways, they're taught the basics from three other careers, the port installer (above), and then helm coders; people who make the coding and functionality and stuff so that they know what to look for and fix and stuff, and then momentarily from the people who build the helms themselves

[3:22 AM]

so that the mechanic can handle fixing port related issues, code related issues, and general mechanical issues such as fuses and stuff


So Weyste actually really likes his job, to be completely honest. He gets really into it, and that's why he has a bunch of circuitry. He likes to test a lot of the mental coding on himself, since he can also handle / process the code. He handles a lot of the coding jobs and the technical back end shit, though he's done his fair share of port installations. The job comes with it's own share of trauma, of course; it really does suck having to hold down a kicking screaming Psion and forcing them to put ports in. It...just isn't fun. But, the job is pretty intriguing, and it keeps him busy. He feels some form of sympathy for them, but he figures the best thing he can do is provide the best service he can.

[4:39 AM]

Some things he does to cope include using his cybernetic headphones, which plug directly into himself in order to provide music into his thinkpan. Using coding, he's able to quite literally tune the world out and just listen to music so he doesn't have to hear the screams, it also helps him work.

Weyste doesn't say much, but I imagine when he is handling really upset and struggling psions, his heart really does go out to them, and he wishes he could just tell them to settle down because this is inevitable, and he really is doing his best to make this a clean installation to provide them as little pain as possible

[4:50 AM]

He is also doing personal research into using coding to make himself or others experience drastically different experiences from reality, kinda like VR? Like in their mind they could be frolicking through rainbow fields while their psionics are being drained and they don't feel it

probably considered a mega nerd by his colleagues too since he rarely talks. the mask doesn't come off. ever.