


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Arabelle Liesl Phyre


Aranea Koenig


Sparkplug, Belle




2’0, 2'6 in heels


Light as fuck






November 18


Pansexual (Leans more towards males, is also Aromantic)

Voice Actor




A notorious blackmailer and information broker, Aranea controls the city she lives in from the shadows, using the secrets and scandals she discovered to get leverage to where she is now. She knows almost everyone and everything, and if she doesn’t know. She’ll find a way. It doesn’t matter if it’s ethical or non-ethical, she will find her way out of trouble with as little consequences as possible. She may be small, but she carries herself tall.

She acknowledges that what she does comes with consequences, but since she can easily redirect those, she isn’t shy nor scared when more hit.


Cunning, Cocky, Confident, Observant, Manipulative, and Disingenuous are few of many words that can describe Aranea. She is a self oriented person who will get her way, and will do almost anything to make sure she will.

Aranea is not interested in making friends, but will manipulate one into thinking she was their friend, and that she actually could care. If she’s being friendly to you, she is merely using you for her own beneficial gain. Once one becomes no use to her, she will laugh at them and shame them until she drops them completely. The small hedgehog only answers to herself and herself only— well, outside of the bedroom. Though even there, every move, every word is carefully calculated and planned to get what she wants.

Aranea is well aware of how bad of a character she is, and made it that way. She isn’t above pulling the “misunderstood” card if it means the trouble she caused is redirected onto someone else.

Despite all the bad, she has a very strict moral compass she follows. She may be short, but she’s not one to stoop too low.

With such a poor exterior, her interior is filled with doubts, filled with vulnerability she refuses to show. Which is why she made herself the character she is today. You can’t disappoint someone who doesn’t care for you, nor can she disappoint them. 

Getting her to open up is a difficult challenge, and it’s near impossible to see her “soft” side. Almost everyone who’s tried to, has failed and failed miserably. Whether she sabotaged it herself, or them simply giving up.

If one was able to genuinely befriend her, she will show better qualities, being more honest and open with them. She will playfully tease them, and make sure that they’re comfortable around her. Most aspects of her personality stay the same, however nicer traits show and shine through. Aranea can get very protective over her friends, and due to her being good at manipulating others, she can easily tell when others are. Admittedly, Aranea does have a soft spot for certain personality types, and people, but will she admit it? Absolutely not.


Not much is known about Aranea’s past, but it is known she changed her name, and even got an authentic fake ID/birth certificate to list her as “Aranea Koenig”

As Arabelle, she was hospitalized for most of her life due to an unknown immunodeficiency disease. She was given a shitty hand by the cards of life, and instead of deciding to go through the effort to change them, she stuck with the bad cards, and rolled with them. These string of events she knowingly put herself through, shaped her into who she is now.



Unlike a certain blue hedgehog, Aranea can’t run fast. In what she lacks in high speeds, she makes up with in excelling in parkour, gymnastics and acrobatics. It’s easy to keep up with her, however extremely difficult to catch her. She is also a contortionist, making her extremely flexible on top of being agile. 

She can use her electrokinesis to give her a quick boost, but even with that, she is no where near fast enough to rival someone running at super sonic speeds.



It’s not only her height that’s stunted. Aranea’s electrokinesis powers are subpar compared to others. She is unable to correctly utilize them to their greatest extent. To be able to afflict someone with a shock, or any damage at all, she will have to physically touch them, or use an outer source to connect the charge.

Her power tends to get over stored inside her, making her rather erratic, harsh, and more likely to lash out. To prevent some of that, her boots have their own inhibitor panels that store the spare energy she can’t correctly release. In a dire situation, she won’t hesitate to break the panels. However if she uses too much, she will short circuit and exhaust herself.


Aranea utilizes very thin, durable and highly conductive wires to trap her opponents in close quarters, like a spider weaving a web. Or to get a connection to them to shock them from a distant. However she likes to play with her prey, and will go the extra mile and time to restrain them. She will sometimes use throwing knives or minor pins hidden in her sleeves to attach the wires to surfaces correctly. Due to her poor eyesight though, she has poor aim and does not use her throwing knives like intended. Though very rarely if someone excites her, she will use her goggles as intended.


Haha high speed winds make shortstack useless and makes her go wheee.

 If she breaks her inhibitor panels, she can become airborne, but will lack the ability to continuously keep herself in the air.


  • Aranea’s name comes from Araneae, which is a genus of spiders. She named herself after her tricks which resemble a web, something a spider weaves.
  • Arabelle comes from Arabella/Orabilis.
  • Due to her light weight, Aranea’s clothes are weighted to a degree to prevent her from getting whisked away by high winds.
  • She wears heels and is very efficient in doing stuff in them.
  • She has no friends, and not even her family wants anything to do with her. It’s best you keep your distance.
  • The only reason why her eyes are always half shut is solely due to the fact she can’t see correctly with her goggles, and refuses to wear them. They’re mainly there as an accessory.
  • She is trilingual, being able to speak English, German and Russian. Aranea has a slight eurasian accent which is predominantly Russian, which becomes thicker if her mood gets high.
  • Her favourite food to eat are donuts, and her least favourite food are bagels.
  • With her small height and long quills, from behind she is frequently mistaken as a child.
  • She does not like to be called short, and will get offended. The only terms acceptable to her are petite and tiny.