


7 years, 9 months ago


【Name】 Martinelli
【Age】 25-ish?
【Gender】 Male (he/him)
【Species】 Starmie
【Status 】 Space Explorer
【Residence】 Pauline's House
【Theme】 ♪♫♬

Stamie pokedex: "Its core shines in many colors and sends radio signals into space to communicate with something." Martinelli may be from space, but he is no invader. The people of his planet were very curious people, so in order to feed their lust for knowledge, they created a prototype spaceship to explore Outer space.

Martinelli was a senior officer, and was selected for this important task to learn more about the world out there. Geared up, he was launched off into space to begin his long unexpected journey.

From space to earth...

While on his journey, an asteroid crashed into his spacecraft, causing a great malfunction. He crash lands into a forest, trees catching him by the clothes, saving his life. He tried his best to untangle himself, but to no avail.

A girl cautiously comes up, in awe of the sight. After answering some questions from Pauline, she freed him from the trees. Martnelli didn't escape the crash unscathed however. His legs were scraped and bleeding, headaches were ringing horribly, and his limbs were weak Pauline was able to nurse him back to health.

Adapting to Earth...

Having to adapt to earth culture was a difficult change. Earth spoke a different language, greeted each other differently, and doewn to haing a different routine for getting up in the morning. But by learning the new culture he was able to learn and appreciate it more, along with appreciating his new friend, Pauline.

In order to repair his ship, he had to obtain money to buy repair kits and metal parts. Pauline helped create a fake ID and a fake resume for Martinelli. He was a convenience store clerk before updating to a mechanic, where he secretly took parts and supplies back home. Watching Martinelli work gave Pauline a heavy case of second-hand embarrassment.

Going home...

It was finally the time to leave. The moment was bittersweet. Martinelli had to go back home to report back and give a full detailed report. Pauline understood that being a part of a space exploration mission meant a lot to Martinelli, so she never once held him back or made him feel guilty about leaving her. Before he left, she kissed him goodbye. Pleased with the affection, he kissed her back and left for space.


  • Created back it 2010
  • Personality traits: ----
  • Honestly, this story line is just pikmins lmao
  • ----------------

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