


4 years, 6 months ago



• Avery grew up as the only daughter to a Sailor and a unknown Woman that died early in her life that Avery wouldn't even call her motehr
• In her early life as a child she liked to play with her fathers things and broke stuff along the way though she learned from the crew she grew up along to lie
• From then on she lied often. Like a lot
• When ever there was something that happened she lied about it. When she was still very young the crew mates lied along because they liked the little girl. When her father switched crews when she was a teenager she didn't involve the Crew in her lies.
• In her 20s Avery left the ship and her father to enter the military and quickly raose up in the ranks to become the captain of a ship
• In the times of war against piracy she met her father again. on a pirate ship.
• He pleaded with her to let them go though she simply attacked them and sank their ship as in her knowledge pirates were bugs that would threaten the government
• Avery learned years later that the pirates were actually the ones trying to help the country in helping the people to flee the dictatorship
• She deserted the Military and is wanted for treason and piracy
• She went back to the place were her fathers ship sank and used a huge amount of Euilirium to return it back to the surface. Together with it's ghosts crew and her father.
• Avery decided that she wanted to fell the dicatorship of her country, Kailani Reef
• Centuries later Avery still sails the seas with her ghost ship and participates in piracey which is still highly illigal
• she is a great manipulator and often lies to get her ways
• she still lies to her ghostly crew despite them knowing she does., She even tells lies that were formerly other lies and she contridicts herself alot though she doesn't fear her ghosts as they can't do anything against her since they are bound to her in runes
Name Avery

Species Arush

Gender Female
