Clyde Gravity



4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Male, he/him




7'10" | 2.4m


Robot, Artificial Intelligence






April 21, 2015

Signature Weapon

He Is A Weapon




" Didn't you hear? That machine killed his own partner. "

boisterous, rude, cruel, callous, cold, efficient, destructive

Clyde is textbook definition of 'large and in-charge'. He is the only true AI that exists in the world. Clyde thinks humans are gross and that he is inherently superior to them. Usually loud and irreverent, Clyde hardly ever takes things seriously unless it's a job. Many members of the public and of the Murder Club dislike Clyde, but they'd never say so to his face.


Clyde was created by Thalia Zunner - a brilliant engineer and leader in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, though no one in those fields has ever heard of her. She needed cash to do her research, so she decided the easiest way to make money was to join the Murder Club - but to do that you needed a partner. Not much of a fighter herself, she wasn't able to find anyone willing to team up with her. Simple solution: make your own partner.

Thalia worked through many prototypes and models of Clyde before he was ready to take the stage, but even as a rough prototype her program was extremely efficient in its job. Very quickly Thalia and Clyde made a name for themselves and shot up the Murder Club leaderboards. Thalia worked very hard to make sure Clyde was as perfect of an AI as possible. That he was able to make his own decisions and would not be hindered by programming or commands, that he might be able to out-class every other assassin in the league. The two of them became very close, with Thalia being the only human Clyde would allow to work on him.

After only five years, their run came to an abrupt end. Stories of what happened vary, and Clyde vehemently refuses to talk about it. There was some sort of tragedy, accident, malfunction. Thalia was killed, and Clyde was left without a partner. He refused to team up with anyone else, as no one else was 'good enough' to share the spotlight with him. Despite this being against the core rules, Murder Club allowed Clyde to continue operating as a solo member because of his high popularity, skill, and ability to generate revenue.


Clyde works to maintain his high status in Murder Club, and acts as the league's poster boy and pseudo-leader due to his huge influence on the company. He owns a bar n' grill called "Clyde's". He values his privacy and prefers to be alone than surrounded by humans. He lives at the top of a huge skyscraper that members of the public are not allowed inside.


He was created to be good at killing, so he's got a few fun tricks that help him be at the top of his class.

Mouth Cannon - Clyde is able to fire a high temperature laser from his mouth. As it is his strongest attack, it takes a few moments to charge. It can punch through steel and concrete like paper - you can imagine what it does to flesh and bone.

Nuclear Fist - The knuckles on Clyde's hands are able to be superheated, and can be detonated in a controlled explosion upon impact. It hurts a lot.

Teeth - Clyde's teeth are razor sharp, and he willingly uses them to bite and tear into things if he needs to.

Stomach - Though he does not need to eat as humans do, anything he accidentally swallows when biting is disintegrated and used as fuel for his fists and laser.

Internet - Clyde is able to access the internet at any time. His processing power is incredibly high, and so he's able to find any information he needs in the blink of an eye.

Hacking - What, you thought a superintelligent machine WOULDN'T be able to hack other systems if he wanted to?

Supercomputer - Clyde's processors are incomprehensibly fast. His reaction times are heightened, his timing is precise, he has total control over his physical body and uses every piece of it to precisely take down his targets in physical combat, and can cut people down to ribbons in verbal debates. He is able to learn and store huge swaths of information in an instant, and thus is constantly getting smarter. He can learn how to do practically any task or job if he needs to - from engineering to surgery to dog training.