
name: jino

meaning: swahili for tooth

gender: female

ranking: learner huntress

three positive traits: honest, goal-oriented, focused

three negative traits: destructive, obsessive, aggressive

the lonely by Christina Perri - If Jino took a hard look at her reflection, she wouldn't be happy at what she saw. What she has become is never what she wanted to be, but from the moment she learned that she was an orphan, she has been consumed by that. She can't help but wonder what she and Ua could have done to make her mother and father decide to abandon them; what could two helpless cubs have done? If it weren't for Ua, she would be completely isolated, and most definitely would have left the Isle of Roses long ago. Despite some efforts Jino made when younger, such as trying to accept Tenga and Jiwe as her substitute mother and father, nothing has filled the lonely void that being abandoned has left her with. She wishes there was some way to change it, because it's not like she wants to feel this way, but at this point, it's all she knows. And if she's not angry at the lonely, bitter feeling her parents' absence left in her life, what else can she feel?

Warrior by Beth Crowley - Meeting Phetho has completely changed Jino's life. To be fair, their first meeting was less than ideal. After all, Jino did attack him, despite the fact that he and Sen were trying to explain that they were guarding her dream from nightmares. However, since then, her training with Phetho has taught her plenty about fighting. Not only that, but it has taught her a lot about love; having someone who can empathize with her and who hasn't given up on her (like everyone in the Isle of Roses, save for Ua) has opened up a side of Jino, at least to Phetho, that no one else has gotten to see.

breedings (3/3 available):

  1. planned with Phetho
  2. planned with Phetho
  3. open