


4 years, 7 months ago


AGE: Unknown (appears young)

Gender: Unknown; any pronouns

SPECIES: Guardian Spirit; appears Greyhound


Shade is a very shy individual, often very timid and scared. They are a sort of silent lurker, observing from the shadows and staying in their lonesome. They do find comfort in company, but only to specific people- gentle, kind people that won't judge or aren't too energetic. They're especially interested in those that can communicate with the dead- after all, Shade is technically one of them. Their life is guided by dreams and "visions", trying to bring them back to their resting place so they can properly protect it.
When angered, it is very difficult to get them to calm down. Their mind fights with itself and makes it hard to see reason, meaning it lets anger take control until it's all they can feel- all they can see. So long as someone is gentle, calm with the canine, they will eventually calm down.
♦ They have a permanent chest wound, leaking a strange inky goop. It mostly leaks when they lie or hurt
    others. Their blood is similar to this substance.


Note: This is not known to Shade. Their memories are corrupt, "gone". 

This being has two souls; one human and one greyhound. The human, a murder victim, was buried underground by the assailant in order to hide their body. The greyhound, however, was a legitimate death and burial. The greyhound, old and wise, was peacefully put to rest and buried in a location for a new cemetery to become the guardian White Dog. However, this new cemetery was also home to the illegitimate burial of the human counterpart. The White Dog's urge to protect and the Broken Spirit's urge to harm were so powerful that they merged, creating the now cursed being that is Shade. Once merged they awoke in an area unfamiliar to them, forever wandering to find their cemetery home. The canine side urges to protect, to find the cemetery to help guide souls, while the broken murdered counterpart aims to fight, give swift justice to their attacker. This creates many conflicting emotions and views within Shade, making them hard to understand.

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