
name: claire

nickname: caramel

gender: female

species: rainbow paint wolf

personality: Caramel is, to put it simply, an introvert. It's not that she doesn't like others, because she does. However, socializing with other wolves is exhaustive. Because of this, she is incredibly quiet. This is generally due to the fact that it keeps her from having to be brutally honest, as she tends to be. It also allows her to tolerate being around other wolves longer, as there are a select few that she can actually handle being around for prolonged amounts of time. Other wolves also just tend to make her nervous, as do other things. She doesn't like having to trust others for things, and would rather be able to handle everything herself. She is generally very serious, only finding things humorous on very rare occasions. Generally she'll just blink and look confused, with any jokes being lost on her. She's very strict, wanting things to be shipshape and working very hard to control anyone younger than her who is placed under her authority.

Despite some of these behaviors that can often come across as faults, Caramel does have good qualities to her as well. For one thing, she is very loyal to those who have gained her affection or trust. She will stand by them through thick or thin, even if she disagrees, and will be more lenient with them and their presences. This isn't to say that they don't try her patience or wear her down, because they certainly do. However, she is willing to make sacrifices for them because she loves them. She is far more willing to trust someone who she is close to. She is also incredibly confident in herself. She doesn't need others to constantly raise her self-esteem, because she is completely at ease with who she is. She doesn't see being an introvert as something that needs fixed about herself, and is willing to accept herself, including her faults such as being anxious. She is also quite diligent, working very hard on everything she throws herself into. She likes to take on challenges so that she can push herself, but this isn't to find some way of making herself feel better about herself. She just genuinely likes the idea of challenging herself to excel in places she doesn't usually, although she usually does so alone. She doesn't say anything about it, generally keeping it to herself unless asked about it. She doesn't need to brag, nor does she want to. She just does it for her own sake


Charrus ;; Caramel, even though she often does not show it, absolutely adores Charrus, who was a close friend to her in their teenage years. Both considered each other siblings, and whenever Charrus took over the farm, he asked Caramel to join him to help him out. They grew even closer after that point, and some people would never guess that Charrus and Caramel - besides their looks - are not actually siblings. They definitely act like it, especially when Caramel gets to the point where she actually argues with Charrus, which is very rare.
Mire ;; Caramel definitely likes Mire, although neither particularly talk to each other. She loves her and does try to give gifts to her, but never knows how to handle the poor pup. She just feels awkward, as she doesn't know what to do with kids, but wishes to have her own someday. Mire doesn't generally talk to her, but does like her.
Kadir ;; Unlike with Mire, Caramel and Kadir actually got along really well. Kadir doesn't press her for conversation, and enjoys talking to her and just having her listen. Kadir views her as more of a friend then he ever viewed his adoptive father, Charrus, and because of this is a lot more likely to keep Caramel updated on news than his father. Caramel is the main reason Kadir will even be around his father's farm, and the main reason that he lets his kids visit. She is always welcome at his house though, even if she doesn't generally take the opportunity. This is partly due to the fact that she doesn't know how to act around his kids. However, she does write him a lot, and will tell him more now that he is an adult as well. He is the main one she feels comfortable griping to, alongside Charrus.

job: Caramel works on Charrus' farm to give him a helping hand as he works to try and expand it. She will take on many odd jobs for him such as fixing random household objects. She also will fetch things, including groceries, and make deliveries for Charrus. She loves to take care of the farm, although she tends to do more of the hard labor than Charrus does, and makes less of the decisions. Charrus will ask her for advice at the time, but for the most part she just rolls with whatever Charrus does, unless she truly disagrees with it.

theme song: anklebiters by paramore