


4 years, 7 months ago


**Name:** Minkcloud

**Age:** 70 Moons (February, Born on 1st September 2020probably)

**Biological Gender:** Molly

**Gender Identity:** Female

**Rank:** Warrior


__Parents:__ ~~Dappleheart~~, ~~Rootsky~~

__Siblings:__ ~~Ferretrunner, Peakpath~~, ~~Russetspots~~

__Half-siblings:__ ~~Zinniaspark~~, ~~Bugstripe~~, ~~Brightgaze~~, ~~Pinepaw~~

__Aunt:__ Rowanflame

__Mate:__ Clearsight

__Kits:__ Cloudpaw, Lilacpaw, Frostypaw, Flamepaw

**Mentor(s):** ~~Blazeheart~~

**Apprenice(s):** ~~Bloomweb,~~ Leopardsun

**Personality:** Minkkit is a loyal and hardworking cat. She's very critical of herself and wants to help other cats as much as possible. Minkcloud is gaining confidence and love for herself.

**Bio:** Born to Dappleheart and Rootcloud in WindClan with her sister Ferretkit. Minkpaw was made to an apprentice and her mentor is Blazeheart!

Her father disappeared the day she was made an apprentice The molly still believes her father keeps up his promise and comes back one day, until then, she'd wait. She's struggling with finding out who she really is. After receiving her warrior name Minkcloud, after her father, she is looking forward to figuring out her purpose and goal in life.Her sister's death really shook her and she's feeling more alone than ever.

After she and other cats from a patrol got attacked by a badger, the molly's recovering fastly and now has a lot of scars all over her body. She hasn't only gained scars, but also new source of energy and for sure will not let the scars shove her down, but take them as a reminder to aim for her goals and achieve them. She is more and more grateful for her family.

Seeing her father return to the Clans, the molly is bitter and doesn't talk to him. At least for now.

The more she sees her father suffer, the more she tries to help. She's troubled by his memory losses and confusion and wants him to stay safe.

After her father's death, the molly was devastated but stayed close with her family.

She is growing close to Clearsight, be it as a friend or something more - she enjoys her time with her.

She finds herself stuck in the past.

Moving on from everything, she finds love with Clearsight and they have a beautiful litter of kits sired by none than other Mousetail.


A tall ginger molly with >50% of white spotting with soft blue eyes and scars all over her body


__Shows:__ Tortie (hiding under white; red+black), >50% of white spotting, Mackerel Tabby

__Carries:__ Chocolate, Solid

CTA: Me!

CTD: Minty