


7 years, 8 months ago


Odessa was born as the result of a barmaid's one-night affair with the fourth son of an elven lord, who was passing through town. Her mother loved her dearly, and did her best to raise Odessa on her meager earnings. However, when Odessa began to exhibit arcane skills she was no longer able to give her the care she needed. Odessa's mother sent her to live in her father's care at the age of 13, and he enrolled her in a live-in wizard academy.

Her mixed heritage and the dubious nature of her birth made life hard for Odessa. She had a hard time relating to her elven peers, who treated her poorly. She often found herself getting in trouble, whether or not she was actually guilty. Detentions ate up most of her free time, making it difficult for her to keep up with her studies. As she grew she began to resent her schoolings, frustrated that she couldn't keep up and wasn't treated equally.

One evening while serving detention in the library, Odessa stumbled upon an old tome that documented powerful spellcasters who had made bargains with other-worldly forces in exchange for power. Though the book warned against such deals, Odessa found herself being drawn towards the promise of power. If she could only make such a deal herself, she'd become more powerful than any of her classmates....
Over the following weeks, Odessa researched devils and demons, and began gathering a hidden stache of the materials she'd need to contact one. Finally, one night when all the teachers were asleep, Odessa snuck down into the dungeons and began the ritual.

Everything went according to plan... almost. She made contact with an emissary of the archfiend Mammon. It delighted in making another mortal servant, and allowed Odessa a sliver of Mammon's power in exchange for her services. She would finish her schooling, then seek out relics and treasures to give to the archfiend. But just as she was sealing the deal, a professor came into the room to find some supplies he had stored there. When he saw the problematic student standing outside a summoning circle containing a devil, he immediately took action. A Banishment spell sent the devil back to it's own plane, and Odessa was immediately taken to the headmaster. The punishment was swift and complete: Expulsion.

Odessa was given a single day to leave the school, and word of her Infernal dealings spread throughout the city so quickly that she was forced to leave. Swearing that she would prove them wrong, she fled into the adventurer's life.