The SkullBeast



4 years, 6 months ago


A mysterious creature that wanders around Po Town, the base of Team Skull. They are, when spotted, often seen walking atop the wall surrounding Po Town, or wandering the alleyways. It is unknown what they are exactly, but many speculate that they are some sort of new Pokemon, likely an Ultra Beast. Some believe that they are the result of an experiment done by the Aether Foundation, and that they either escaped or was dumped there, but Lusamine denies that her and her scientists have anything to do with the strange new being in Po Town. Members of Team Skull believe that they may be the reincarnation of a member that they have lost, for some of the grunts have passed either due to an accident or suicide.

No one has gotten close enough for thorough examination. Those who have gotten closest are the members of Team Skull, the closest being a grunt, getting about 30 feet away. When someone gets too close to it, it will simply disappear, seeming to fade out of existence. It appears that they have short fur like a chihuahua, except for on their head, where there seems to be an outer shell, similar to the exoskeleton of an insect. They are the same size as a Pikachu. It moves its tail much like a feline, seeming to use it to convey emotion just like one.  The left eye never changes shape, but the right eye does, working with other body language to tell how the creature is feeling. The left ear is notched, leaving many to wonder how it earned that wound.

Some of the grunts who have come close to it claim that it can speak, saying that, before it faded away, it has said things like, "I'm sorry," "Never forget like I have," "We're all misunderstood and called mistakes," " Words hurt more than you think," and "I'll never have scars". The last one contradicts the fact that the left ear is notched. 

Other than being called the SkullBeast, they are also known as the Po Town Cryptid.