

Cunning . Regal . Diva . Last of kin

Name Lauvia
Name meaning The Last
Gender Male.
Age Adult
Height 163 cm/5'4''
Element Water
Species Yogami
Race Lathan (Leviathan)
Signature spell Twin Leviathan
Occupation King of Lasheim
Alignment Lawful Good
Theme Suggestions welcome!


  • Books
  • Chiara
  • Tovia
  • Magic theory
  • Swimming
  • Jotunga
  • Bathing
  • Jewelry
  • Books


  • Those who don't know their place
  • Disrespect
  • Dishonour
  • Bullies
  • Getting mistaken for female
  • Being the last of his kind
  • Being a King
  • His council


Lauvia is one of my older Celestial Chronicles characters. He was created around December of 2014, just a couple of months after Jotunga. He was initially created to be a mentor to Jotunga, and is still one to this day, even after undergoing massive development. Lauvia kickstarted my idea of having various ''demons'' for different elements, which became the Yogami, and the others soon followed. The only ''new'' one of the Nine Sovereigns not created in 2014/2015 is Savaana, who came into existence in 2017.

Lauvia's name is based off the name of a fakemon sea dragon I made a long time ago, Lauviatan. I liked the ring of it and recycled that name. I'm not sure which language it is, but Lautan means ''Ocean'' in one of those languages I found after fiddling with Google Translate.

The bio below is still a WIP and things may change.

Character Summary

Lauvia is the King of Yogheim-Lasheim, also known as ''The Land of Ten-Thousand Rivers''. Lasheim is tied to the Element of Water and is home to the Lathan Yogami, who thrive in the wet and humid riverlands. True to Lathan fasion, Lauvia is every bit as aquatic as the rest of subjects, often complaining when the atmosphere is not humid enough.

He is part of the Nine Sovereigns, and one with quite the reputation. Lauvia is known to be a strict and harsh ruler, not easily swayed by individual favours or issues. When it comes to enemies, he is utterly merciless and isn't above killing in cold blood. Some say he is paranoid and distrusts people rather than trust them.

Friends and loved ones know there's warmth behind the cold and aloof demeanor. Lauvia has gone through a lot and developed severe trust issues, but once he gives his friendship, he'll prove to be a fiercely loyal one. He would defend loved ones with his life, Last Leviathan or not.

He is also known to be a book worm and is proud to state he has read every book in Yogheim. Anytime a new one is written, he'll lap it up. Fiction, nonfiction, educational, theory... he has written a lot of books himself, mostly regarding to the structure and theory of Elemental Magic.

Lauvia is a prime example of knowledge being power. He knows everything there is to the fundamentals of Elemental Magic, and it is hard to outwit him. He can use his knowledge to create new spells, or predict what opponents are going to use based on their actions, resulting in impenetrable defenses. He is a difficult foe on the battlefield.


Early Life

Lauvia is born as the only child of Queen Kalua and the healer Tovin. Leviathans were already in a bad state around his birth, prompting Kalua to name her child ''The Last''. The Queen knew Lauvia would outlive his parents, Tovin being sickly and Kalhua herself having a big target on her back for being in a civil war.

Lauvia always has been drawn to his father, who taught him the value of written works and basic theory behind Magic, rather than using instinct only. The happy time would end when Tovin succumbed to his disease in Lauvia's presence. Lauvia promised him to name any of his future children after him, before he passed. Having someone named after you is the greatest honour in Yogami naming traditions.

Lauvia, knowing his late father liked his hair long, let his hair grow longer. His intended goal was waist-length, but a trainer told him long hair was a weakness and for pansies. He should trim it or not bother coming in combat training. He made a bet with the trainer that his hair would not be a weakness. He lose a fight because of his hair? He'll trim it. To rub salt in, he stopped trimming at all, flaunting his increasingly longer hair everytime he had a session. Needless to say he and his trainer did not get along.

Having a strained relationship with his distant mother, the young boy was drawn to the other healers and friends of Tovin, seeking something to fill the void in his heart. During his wanderings outside of the palace, he saw a young boy getting bullied, and quickly put a stop to the bullies. He got along with the boy, Jotunga, and they would become lifelong close comrades.

Civil War

Yogheim-Litheim had been in a civil war for a long time, but the rebels' leader had decided to get Yogheim-Lasheim involved. He had been pestering Queen Kalua until she got sick of it and shut off the water supply to Litheim in her temper overriding her judgment. This caused the war to flare up and attacks on the Lathan Yogami stationed in Litheim. Kalua feared they would get to their border and invade her country as well.

Because of this, every Lathan that knows basic combat had to be involved, including teenagers. That's how Lauvia ended up fighting a war because of a mistake his mother made. This caused their relationship to get further strained, as Lauvia disagreed with Kalua hiding behind her subjects, rather than be a Queen his people deserved. The Leviathans being on the verge of extinction is not an excuse to sacrifice thousands.

His teenage and adolescent years were probably the hardest on Lauvia. He had a target on his back for being a Leviathan, had to pretend he was weaker than he actually is in order to prevent even more assassins, and lost many a acquaintance to the civil war. It forced him to be stronger than any Leviathan had been, utilizing his knowledge, curiousity and determination in order to gain more power.

Queen Kalua eventually died at the Rebel Leader's hands, who orchestrated her assassination by bribing her own council. Infuriated, Lauvia avenged her mother's unfair death by taking over the throne by force, despite never wanting to be a King, and utilize his newly gained authority to end the civil war for once and all.

He initially wanted to let go of his title as soon the war was resolved, but found he and Lasheim were safer with him on the throne than without. Finally understanding his mother's desire to preserve her status at all costs, though he still disagreed with her methods, he decided to pull the reins tightly and steer Lasheim into prosperity it never faced before.

Lauva was the youngest to join the Nine Sovereigns, being in his late teens when he took over his mothers throne.


With both his parents dead and no other family members, Lauvia realized he was the last of his kin. While he didn't really care as he was younger, he grew to realize the implications as he grew older. No other Lathan understood what it was to be like a Leviathan... they were truly a different species altogether, and he slowly grew in loneliness over the years. Being a Leviathan also meant to be on guard all the time, as many a Yogami would love to see them go forever, not liking the ''outsiders''.

Not much happened in his earlier years as a King, besides fending off many a assassination attempt, or checking his food for poison every day. His council, the same council that betrayed his mother, eventually decided he had to pass down his blood and started to look for mates. Not desiring to be bound with someone not of his choice, he protested and vetoed every suggestion. He had better things to do than attempt at romance. Male Leviathans aren't able to get Leviathan children anyway.

Then he met an intruder at one of his favourite hiding spots. He thought it was a well-hidden spot only he could reach, as only Leviathans could access the highest waterfalls. The intruder turned out to be a peppy woman who couldn't care less about Lauvia's authority.

Stunned at the blatant disregard of authority, his curiousity was piqued. The female was no Leviathan, yet possessed some traits. Not to mention she was fun to be around, different from the somber and solemn attitude of the palace-goers. He soon learned that the woman, Chiara, was a half-blood Yogami, probably of Leviathan ancestry. Yoghana, half-bloods, weren't a field he was well-versed in and he was happy to be able to study something new in his off-time, even better if it meant spending time with her.

They really didn't understand one another, but liked eachothers presence. Chiara didn't get why Lauvia was always so melancholic and solemn, and Lauvia thought Chiara was a little too carefree. It didn't hamper their budding friendship, and it only made them to resolve to better understand one another. They could speak of a special bond that was there from day one, the bond only those of the same kin have.

The council gave their King an ultimatum. Find a mate, or they would force him off the throne. Something they could do, because Lauvia never became a King the traditional and legal way. He realized the only female he would stay sane with was Chiara, and thus he decided to court her. He hadn't seen her as a prospective mate before, but once he made the decision, he couldn't help but to appreciate all the endearing traits she had, falling helplessly in love.

Unfortunately, she said no at the first few attempts. She did like Lauvia, she didn't like having to leave her village. Half-bloods weren't exactly well-liked, and she didn't want to bring trouble to them. And thus Lauvia started to delve deeper into Yoghana and figure out ways to have them coexist with Yogami better, his appreciation for them increasing with every bit learned.

Unable to resist Lauvia's hard work to provide the best place for her, Chiara ended up agreeing. Once bound to one another, they were happy to be together at last. The council didn't approve, but had no rebuttal to her having Leviathan blood.

At long last, the Leviathan King had a Queen.


After spending many years happily together, Chiara had the news she was finally with child. Both could sense it was another Leviathan, a pureblood. Lauvia had seen pureblood children of Yoghana and Yogami couples before, but was surprised it worked for his kin too. He would have been happy nonetheless, but it was a nice little extra.

Chiara had a difficult pregnancy, and when she was finally ready to bear her child, things went wrong. The older Healers knew how to handle it and promised Lauvia they'd deliver both alive and healthy. Unfortunately, the childbirth costed Chiara's life. She did everything to keep their child alive rather than herself, the Healers said.

Lauvia's world fell apart when he heard the news. One part was happy his child was alive, the other part was grief-stricken. It took a long time before Lauvia was ready to let Chiara's body go. He gave her the traditional farewell and gave his braid with her. A part of his body and power to keep her safe in the Purgatory... until he figures out a way to bring her back.

It wasn't until he had said his farewells to his lost beloved that he realized he still had a child. A daughter. He decided to name her Tovia, after Tovin, keeping his promise.

To this day, Tovia is the sole person that keeps Lauvia sane. She is Lauvia's spoilt little princess, and hell hath no fury if any harm is laid upon her.




Late wife






Brotherly bond