


7 years, 8 months ago


Name: Den Aolde

Age: 43
Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"
Eye Color: bright turquoise

About:  Den runs a small dinosaur ranch of sorts all by his lonesome. There's a huge island / pasture beyond his house where he keeps the herbivores who were too ill / injured to be returned to the wild. As well as a different enclosure for dinos that can be sold / traded to the (not so ) nearby villages. Along with the normal pens for chickens and shit
Every once in a while he gets a letter from a village (both the near ones and very far ones) concerning a dinosaur situation and he and buddy gear up and go to help. 
Buddy is one of three deinonychus that he hatched. The other two were killed when a skeleton attacked Den and all three went after it (Still very young ;A; ) - the two striped grey ones died, leaving only Buddy to huddle in Dens lap afterwards 
Epane is Dens Mirrow companion, and the one who has been with him the longest. He is a rather serious Mirrow but has his kitten playful moments every now and then.
Rapfurs... Den made the mistake of taking in two of them and they bred like rabbits. They all live inside his home (or rather, are in and out of his house weather he likes it or not, but they are definitely there every night and strewn all over the bed for snuggles and warms ) They all have names, and he knows each andn every one of them. Epane is their lord and savior.  

- Pants and a shirt because he needs that shit.
-Leather straps over his boots which didn't reach far enough up his calf to protect pants, also its thicker leather so it helps when dino tails and claws get unruly /STARES AT RAPFURS.
-Orange sash acts as a belt and also keeps leather and pouches from chafing.
Dinosaur hide cover- He has a (female) Pteranodon that grew far too accustomed to landing on his shoulder and hanging out there as it grew up. And it still does every now and again. This added to the fact that his shoulders are the first thing in reach for any and all of his dinosaurs mouths to nibble on. And a nibble to them is a chunk out of him.
Scarf- because his family loved them and he had his own of course! It also comes in handy because the days are hot but the nights are cold and sometimes he works far longer than he ought to.

Personality: He enjoys going out and gathering wood and making fences and constructing buildings for his critters.What he hates is when they start falling apart or get broken >( he tries not to mind the upkeep, but wouldn't complain if he had some help on the ranch. 

Why does den have a ranch when most dinosaurs can be and are free range? Well, Unlike the vast majority of the world, Den and his famly believed that the dinosaurs could be trained not unlike horses and dogs. A belife that has been proven and the steps taken by his family in their quest have been large and fast. Their point was especially proven when Den was able to train Buddy and while she is still a wild creature who can act out of instinct, these instincts can be understood and guided.
There are villages near to Dens farm, one of them not further than a weeks travel away. These villages all have grown to know of Den and his skills. They have turned to calling on him when there is a problem with the wild and not so wild critters. Each time Den is more than happy to comply.

Background: He grew up on a farm with four other siblings, making five children total. He was the second youngest and by no means the strongest or the smartest. But Den has a big heart and works really really hard and you would barely be able to tell, man doesn't get tired. He's doing work he loves. He left home when he was 16 and began building his ranch from scratch. On the journey to a land he would deem good enough for his ranch he was found by Epane Now, he and the little-not-so-little Mirrow are practically inseperable. Epanes choice completely of course.

Den and his famly believed that the dinosaurs could be trained not unlike horses and dogs. A belife that has been proven and the steps taken by his family in their quest have been large and fast. Their point was especially proven when Den was able to train Buddy and while she is still a wild creature who can act out of instinct, these instincts can be understood and guided.
There are villages near to Dens farm, one of them not further than a weeks travel away. These villages all have grown to know of Den and his skills. They have turned to calling on him when there is a problem with the wild and not so wild critters. Each time Den is more than happy to comply.
Theres a situation with a T-Rex at one point in time. Den goes to find a temple which he has been researching over many many years. According to the runes and plaques he has found he has discovered that there is a gem in said temple that can immediately tame any creature. Den.. Still wanting to remain true to not killing the animal, goes off and finds said temple. Little did he know it was protected by an old god (of sorts) Den and Buddy go in. Epane waits outside.
When Den comes out, his leg is horribly mangled, his clothes are ripped and torn and bloody and the only reason he made it out at all is because Buddy is practically carrying him.
But he has the amulet.
He wakes up in a nearby village missing his left leg.
But he does tame the T-rex and its coo' bru its coo'

Additional info:
Den currently has

1- Deinonychus - Her name is Buddy and she is his other greatest companion. She travels with him nearly everywhere when she gets the chance and is more loyal than any horse ever was. (She better be, given that when she was young she ate the only horse that Den had. BI ) He raised her from an egg, in fact, nearly all of the dinosaurs he has he has raised from egg-hood.
1- Velociraptor named Pal. He is Buddys best lil friend and hardly leaves her alone.
23 - Rapfurs. At least thats what they were at the last time he was able to count them.
2- Plesiousaurs
4- Anklesaurus
5- Pachycephalosaurus
3- Stegosaurus
2- Brachiosaurus
3- Triceratops
1- Gallamimus
1- Pteranodon
- a small herd of cows and like 200 chickens also exist in his farm. The chickens have their own pen and the cows remain in the same massive pasture that the Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, and Triceratops live in.