
Name: Charrus Borde
Gender: Male

species: bunny rainbow paint wolf
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Charrus is an extrovert. He loves spending his time with other wolves, and so long as he has had enough sleep, he can generally spend hours and hours at a time with other beings. He always seems to be happy about something, taking on the whole outlook of "the glass is half full", which could also mean that he could be called an optimist. Charrus can seemingly find happiness in anything, and is very skilled at putting smiles on other wolves' faces as well. He is extremely bubbly and enthusiastic, filled with energy and ready to smile his way through the day. His friendly attitude and outgoing personality definitely make him very open, and he is always making new friends with other creatures. However, he's also a bit mischievous, liking to pull a few pranks here and there. They're all relatively harmless except for perhaps embarrassing the wolf the prank is pulled on. However, because he pulls these pranks, Charrus is always able to take a prank on himself and laugh with everybody else. In fact, he enjoys the ones pulled on himself almost as much as he enjoys pranking. They give him plenty of inspiration, and help him stay happy. He can be rather goofy, which goes along with his whole pranking and fun-loving attitude. He's just always good for a laugh. Despite all of this, Charrus is very hard-working, and no matter how goofy and fun he is, he will take things very seriously, although he may procrastinate a bit. Shorter time limits make him work better and faster. He knows that there is a certain limit before he has to be real, and while his optimism will stay, his jokes and teasing will stop then, especially if he's trying to support his friend. Despite the rather pleasant attitude Charrus has, he does have an unpleasant side to him. He is very ill-tempered when it comes to differing opinions, which is one reason that if he's asked about his own opinion he'll try and change the subject. If annoyed, he will become very snappish, and tends to begin to state his mind very openly about things. This is bad, because Charrus - although he would never like to admit it - is extremely judgmental about others. He is very good at picking out wolves' flaws, and it's sort of instinctive to judge others silently. Yet another reason that he tries to stay happy all the time, because he knows that when he is angry he is a far less fun wolf to be around. Another issue is when he procrastinates, he becomes extremely focused on what he needs to do. He will stop doing anything else, and any distractions will annoy him. However, Charrus tries to ignore his flawed side by being optimistic and friendly, and thinks that by ignoring his flaws they will go away. At least, he hopes that much. Deep down, a part of him knows that that's not the way to do things, but he isn't quite prepared to put in all the effort it would take to fix the bad. In the morning, Charrus will also tend to be very unpleasant until he's been able to drink some coffee and wake up a little bit, because like a lot of other creatures, he will not want to be up at first and would prefer to go back to sleep.
Occupation and Home: Charrus' home and occupation go hand in hand. He works on a farm that he owns, and tends to it on his own. He has three hundred acres that he tends to, and while he does sometimes have his friends help him if he finds that he needs it, he will generally tend to it himself. His jobs on the farm are some of the only things he doesn't procrastinate with most of the time, because it's his life. Most of the time, he enjoys his life, although he does have times where he finds it boring, tedious, and repetitive. When it comes to crops, Charrus works mainly with apples, growing Red Delicious and Green Delicious, although he also grows some corn as well. However, he doesn't always enjoy working with plants. In fact, Charrus greatly prefers working with animals, and so puts more his attention towards his animals and making sure that they are properly taken care of. He currently has thirty Suffolk sheep in his pastures, and mainly raises them for wool and not for their meat, although if he must he must. He has six Miniature pigs currently, as he has just recently bought them and started caring for them, however unlike some people Charrus is very honest and knows for a fact that they and any offspring they have will be Miniature pigs. Because these pigs are naturally smaller than normal farm pigs, Charrus aims more to find them good homes with people who want a pet pig - or for zoos and the like - rather than selling them for meat. He also has three Suri alpacas on his farm, and is looking into getting two Huacaya alpacas as well. Last but not least, Charrus has chickens on his farm. He currently has two Silkies, two Plymouth Rock chickens, two Marans, and two Booted Bantam. He has a very large barn, as well as a classic green tractor he has named "Old Bessie." While he is rather attached to his farm now, he wasn't always. In fact, in the beginning he wanted nothing to do with it. Originally, the farm belonged to his grandfather. His grandfather left the farm in his will to Charrus, and he was appalled at it when he found out after his grandfather had passed away. He hadn't realized that in all the times his grandfather had him stay and help at the farm or had been telling him things about the farm that he intended on Charrus taking over. But after some considerable amounts of talking over it with his friends, they managed to convince him he had to at least try and care for the farm. After all, his grandfather had bought the land, so he would already not have to worry about some of the money. And so, Charrus took on the job, and soon enough he found that he had grown used to the farm and had even grown fond of his new life, and after that there was no turning back.
Pets: Charrus also has a few of his own pets on the farm, that are there purely because they're his pets. He has six cats currently. These would be a female American Shorthair named Storm, a male Siberian cat named Dustin, a female Siberian cat named Ginger, a female Ragdoll named Puffball, a male Maine Coon named Snowball, and a male Maine Coon named Silver. Charrus loves cats quite a bit, so it's no surprise he has so many, especially now that he has more room for them. The fact that when he's done with all his work he can go back and see his cats is a comfort to him, especially because if anything irritated him they help him calm down.
Family: Rolo (sister); Kadir (adoptive son)
Mate: None