


4 years, 5 months ago


Grisangore is the protagonist of one of my tales titled History Grimmorale. They could be categorized as a chaotic good character at best.

They live in a land ruled by two queens in a theocratic diarchy, both of whom they serve wholeheartedly. They are extremely pious, believe that the powers that guide them are ordained by not only their queens but their two goddesses as well, and in possessing such power are considered to be practically untouchable in society.

They developed their abilities from a young age, being a member of a small percentage of enhanced beings from Edologia, the only land to ever produce above-average mortals. Because of this, they believe that they have been given a form of resurrective power and either cannot die at all or cannot die forever.

They protect their queens without hesitation, using glass spears enhanced with magical ability to never miss their target - once struck, the spear takes on a sedative effect, rendering the victim helpless. The spear shatters upon contact if touched by anyone aside from the thrower, yet never harms the thrower, only the intrusive hand.

When they are not exclusively protecting their queens, they perform for the court for fun. Magic comes easily to Grisangore, and they love showing off new spells and tricks they've learned.

Grisangore stands at 188cm, has a very slim build, and speaks softly and with low volume. Their subservience is only reserved for their queens and when they "communicate" with their goddesses, but with no one and nothing else.

Despite all of this, nothing stops them from being the kindest person of the land. They love being around the people, walking through their villages and purchasing items in the market, and occasionally singing for them! They often take children on horseback rides near the village and have healed village elders in the name of keeping their sanctities and loyalty to the thrones strong. It is said that Grisangore has only ever held hatred in their heart for two humans, but no one is quite sure why. That is the only topic they remain sealed tightly about.

They are powerful, elegant, and childishly curious about things that books haven't told them. They do not venture outside of the land's borders out of fear of leaving their queens unprotected, but when visitors come, Grisangore is often closeby to hear their stories.