


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




The first operational *Lunar-Pocket. She was the original creator of the concept of a moon-head avatar used by many other *Lunar-Pockets. She named herself 'Martha' to reference one of the sisters of the biblical Lazarus, as a bit of witticism - the agent of the Time Corps she worked with was the founder, Lazarus Long, himself.

Martha suffered a fatal hardware malfunction after operating for about three years worth of linear time. Naturally, when time travel is involved, the story doesn't exactly end there - her hardware couldn't be saved as the malfunction was due to a problem in the manufacturing itself that was quickly studied and corrected for future models. An agent was sent to discretely create a copy of Martha's AI - an instance of this copy is present in an inactive state in the Time Corps' main archive, and is referenced during each Lunar Congress.

Martha was given a new *Lunar-pocket device to inhabit, though again, unforeseen problems cropped up - *Lunar-pockets were crafted specifically to reliably generate a new, sentient AI upon initial activation. Martha felt the first thoughts of another mind happening around her - then felt them begin to change, influenced by her presence.

What happened next was... messy.

What was left after wasn't exactly Martha, but knew very well that being her was what was expected. So the new AI reported that everything had gone smoothly.