Cici & Crimson πŸŒ™



4 years, 6 months ago




She/Her | Demon | Child (10-12)

On a full moon, out in open moonlight, Cici was born. Like most demons, she was born pure white and lacked a cavity for her soul. However, due to being born under the moon like she was, she gained a bit of powers from it! She didn't gain much, mostly just the ability to levitate for semi-short periods of time. Due to this special event, Cici is referred to as a 'Moon Demon', which is where her cheek markings come from.

A few days later, when the cavity had fully formed but a proper soul hadn't been forged yet, a blood moon occured. This moon 'cursed' Cici with Crimson, a spirit that latched onto her soul and body. Now, nearly every full moon or blood moon, Crimson awakens and takes control of the physical body and mind of Cici.

In nature, Cici is incredibly kind, joyful, and bubbly person to be around! She's generous and is willing to give most things to people. Being a child, she tends to be curious to a fault, gullible and oblivious too. She also tends to be clingy, trying to cling onto whatever people she has with her so they remain her friend. However, if she's been fully possessed physically by Crimson, then Crimson's personality comes out. She's mean and violent, and will put anyone in harms way just for fun. Crimson likes tormenting people, which is especially true for Cici. She just loves to see Cici upset, bothered, or generally terrified. She also pushes everyone away, also just to hurt Cici in the end.


  • Sweets
  • Nighttime
  • Light-hearted books
  • Doodling
  • Making / Giving gifts
  • The colour pink
  • Candyland


  • Crimson, a lot
  • Vegetables
  • Getting lost in new places
  • The cold
  • Nursary Rhymes
  • Being taunted


Starfriends on Earth - Stepdad

Hot Air Balloon - Owl City

Kids - MGMT

White Winter Hymnal - Pentatonix

Epoch (Living Tombstone Remix) - Savlonic

Design Notes:

  • Doesn't need to be drawn with Crimson!
  • The ribbon for her cloak-thing is the white colour you see
  • Her horns are smaller than Crimson's
  • Only about 4'7" tall
  • Can be drawn with or without a mouth
  • Not everyone can see Crimson when Cici is not possessed physically by her!
  • When Cici is physically possessed, she turns into Crimson, with Cici herself taking the position of Crimson
  • The moon between Crimson's horns is important, please remember to draw it if you draw her!
  • Her hair doesn't have to be drawn exactly like her refs are! Kind of like how the center image has her hair wavy and some drawings have it kind of curly, it doesn't matter much to me!