Iris Voltaire



4 years, 6 months ago




Name Iris Voltaire
BIRTHDAY June 4th 
Age 25
Gender Female (she/her)
Race Human
oCCUPATION Vampire Hunter
Theme N/A

An OC of mine to go along with my vampire gal. Cause it only makes sense that if you have a vampire character, you gotta also have a vampire hunter.


  • Coffee
  • Reading (mysteries in particular)
  • Throwing and collecting knives
  • Listening to music


  • Vampires
  • Socializing
  • Depending on others
  • Waking up early


Iris is not what one would call a pleasant person to be around. She can be very rude and cold towards those she couldn't care less for, and is overall not interested in interacting with people. The only people Iris actually seems to tolerate are the workers at a local all-night coffee shop she frequents nearly every night. Thankfully for her, Iris doesn't have to interact with many as she is purely a nocturnal person. Like a vampire, she sleeps all day and is awake all night. But Iris is not a vampire, instead she's a vampire hunter.

As a vampire hunter, Iris knows almost all there is to know about a vampire. No one knows why she got into the profession, but she is extremely proficient and serious about it. Iris has slain many a vampires, and she'll even get paid by some people to slay them. She has a specific method for hunting them, and always keeps a checklist of "vampire traits" on her to check off. If she suspects someone is a vampire, she'll check off each trait she finds. Most of the time she tries to "befriend" them in order to gain their trust, only to then literally stab them in the back with a silver dagger.

Ever since being acquainted with Marie and accepting her deal, Iris tries to keep a low profile, since she now has to lure in humans in order for Marie to eat. Even though she'll only choose terrible people like predators or generally shitty people, she's still responsible for their death. There are times though that she actively kills the person herself and gives them to Marie. She doesn't feel too guilty about it. It is a concern, however, that Iris could easily give anyone she holds a grudge against to Marie - which she has done already.


Iris was born a single child with only her father to raise her - her mother dying from child birth. Her father was extremely loving and supporting, and made sure to give Iris the best life he could. He was also a vampire hunter, which Iris found super cool. She'd ask for him to teach her, and whilst he strictly forbade her to become one due to the danger, he did teach her all the techniques and even how to throw knives. Iris absolutely loved her father (and even her father's boyfriend later on).

One day however when she was 16, Iris's father left for a vampire hunt, and even though Iris pleaded to go like always, he still wouldn't let her and told her he'd be back soon. He didn't come back, and for a few days Iris stayed at home, waiting for him. She called his boyfriend to check on him, and found that even he was missing, too. Concerned, she'd file a missing persons report, and for a whole year she desperately tried to find them. But they would never be found, and all Iris could conclude that her father and his boyfriend must've been killed. And all she felt was guilt; were she with him, he might've lived. She decided there and then to pick up where her father left off.

She'd completely change her attitude and old life-style to dedicated herself purely to vampire hunting. And it turned out she was quite good at it. But any semblance of her social life would vanish, her sleeping schedule took a 180, and she'd be entirely alone. It was hard for her to even find a place to live with it all, and had to basically settle with living with a man who really fancied her and let her live with him. Turns out he was really abusive and shitty, and Iris wasn't into him at all, but felt like she didn't have a choice. That was, until, she set her sights on a certain vampire...


Iris is 5'3" with pale white skin and long black hair usually tied in a ponytail. Her eyes are heterochromic, her right being a dark blue and her left being a lighter blue. She prefers to wear black clothing as to blend in with the night. Usually this outfits contains a long, black coat, knee-high black boots, and some sort of black shirt - most of the time a tank or tube top.


- Iris used to have blonde hair, but dyed it black and has kept it that way for years

- She was born an Irish Catholic, but hasn't practiced since her father's disappearance

- Before vampire hunting, she came from quite the musical background; learning the organ, piano, some chorus, and even dancing

- Has O Negative blood and is a frequent blood donor


Marie Morvell

A vampire Iris is acquainted with. Like every vampire, Iris was set on killing Marie, but when she got to Marie's house and she tried to attack, Marie ended up besting her in combat. Iris at first just asked Marie to kill her swiftly instead of being transformed into a vampire, but Marie revealed that she really likes humans - and Iris in particular. Instead, Marie offered to show Iris other vampires she can slay whom Marie doesn't like as long as Iris provides humans to feed upon, and Iris reluctantly agreed.

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