


4 years, 6 months ago


Proof of Adoption:

Personality 206 words

Coldmirage is first and foremost an opportunist, she's obsessed with being a step ahead of everyone else, with getting the drop on her prey, with having the metaphorical ace up the metaphorical sleeve.
Second to her opportunistic nature is her desire to control and manipulate everything. She wants to be in everybody's business, she wants everyone to do as she says, she just absolutely cannot stand either not being the center of attention and if another cat happens to be in the spotlight she does whatever she can to upstage them or detract from whatever they did that was worthy of the attention.
She has a distinct lack of empathy and after any length of time in her presence then it is quite clear that the only thing that matters to her is her own self. Though if she does want to hide this particular part of herself it seems to be quite easy as she can put on nearly any sort of mast, become almost any sort of person, at least for a length of time, in an attempt to gain whatever particular thing it is she desires whether it be an object, information, or a sway over the cat she is trying to fool.