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River, an anthropomorphic hyena, presents a dichotomy of appearances that adds intrigue to their character. With a brown and beige fur coat and piercing gold eyes, River exudes an aura of both fierceness and vulnerability. Adorned with gold piercings that accentuate their edgy exterior, River's exterior may seem intimidating, but beneath the tough exterior lies a heart of gold. Raised in a bustling city, their backstory is one of navigating the urban jungle, learning to blend in with the rhythm of city life.

Three distinct personality traits define River – a mean and mysterious exterior that serves as a protective shield, a genuine warmth and kindness that emerges in intimate moments, and a passion for professional dance that allows them to express their true self. River's gold eyes reflect both the intensity of their dance performances and the compassion that resides within. Despite the tough appearance, their true nature comes to light when the music starts playing, revealing a big softie with a love for movement and expression.

River's goals revolve around breaking stereotypes and showcasing the power of vulnerability. As a professional dancer, they aspire to use their craft to inspire others to embrace their true selves. Behind the mean façade is a hyena who believes in the transformative power of dance, using every performance to connect with audiences emotionally. River envisions a world where the beauty of vulnerability is celebrated, where dancing becomes a universal language that transcends barriers and fosters understanding.