


7 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


You can draw her with or without her animal features!


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aliases: Bean
gender: Female
orientation: Asexual
birthday: Unknown age: 19
species: Wolf Spirit
occupation: Explorer
relationship status: Single
height: 5'7" / 170cm
eyes/hair: Black / Black

Quote: "Be careful would you !"

Personality: | Curious | Serious | Caring | Cautious | Reliable |

-She is a humanoid wolf spirit that can take the form of a normal human.

A long time ago she lost all of her memories along with her group of friends, none of them know what happened and while the others recklessky go about exploring she does he best to keep an eye on them so they don't get hurt.

Her friend Peanut named her after a treat called a soybean that can be found in a snack called trail mix.

In her spirit form she can float and go through objects much like a ghost.

  • Doesn't Like Heights.
  • Languages: English
  • Accent: None

Likes / Dislikes

✔ Popsicles ✔ Rivers ✔ Gemstones ✔ Dinosaurs

✖ Tall Buildings ✖ Cliffs ✖ Dangerous Places ✖ -
Peanut Friend
Soybean sometimes gets annoyed with Peanut because of his unserious attitude towards everything, nonetheless she looks out of him in dangerous situations and still cares for him.
Raisin Friend
Raisin makes Soybean worry the most as he's the one who is always instigating the most dangerous situations, she has to look out for him the most lest he get himself hurt.
Pretzel Friend
Soybean loves Pretzel lots because she finds him to be adorable, she hates that he's always following the others no matter what they want to do.
Apricot Friend
Thankfully Apricot is as careful as Soybean herself if not more so she doesn't have to worry too much about her despite the others clumsyness its not a problem because she sticks close anyways.