


4 years, 7 months ago


Alric is the result of a scientist who once was a father. He lost his son to a mysterious illness years ago and missed him greatly since then. The thought became unbearable for him over the years that passed and he longed to see his son again. 

Even though he knew that it was unethical what he was about to try, he couldn't resist the temptation to revive his son and gift him a new life. So he build a sceleton, a machine out of metal...a pretty thing with ornaments and a aesthatically pleasing look. This body couldn't catch any illness, wouldn't grow old or weak and would grant his son the life he deserved.  

The gruesome part would be a different one however. The scientist had to implant his son's brain into this new body and bring it back to life. Despite any assumptions, it worked out and this metallic body awakend form it's slumber. However, the life he had created couldn't remember the scientist or anything else he had hopped for. He was like a blank paper, yet to be blessed with letters.  

For hours the machine just sat in room of the scientist's son, staring at the walls or out of the windows. Sometimes he would look at himself in the mirror, touch his metallic face and arms and wondered what he was. His creator, his "father" told him that he was his son...a human.  

But he didn't feel like it, in fact he felt very little. Emotions were something he rarely experienced and had yet to understand. The scientiest was dissapointed...he had hit rock bottom. Sometimes he cried and begged the machine to remember him, sometimes he would get aggressive and hit his creation or purposly hurt him. The machine didn't understand what it all meant so he endured it, never feeling a grudge or hatred towards the man. 

One day his creator speculated that maybe he had to look and feel more human to actually remember him. So he started to cover his body with skin, which enabled the machine to feel something when he touched it, he felt less alien but still not like a human. He looked at himself in the mirror now and saw something that resembled the people he saw outside of his window, but didn't really understand what it was really like to be human. The scientiest however didn't back away from his plan and to this day he tries to make his creation more and more human.  

Your were a young student, hired by the scientist to help him with his creation. You were fascitnated by Alric at first...never had you seen something like him. But over the time you spent with him you realized that your feelings for him changed.  

The scientiest told you that he had yet to gain some personality traits, but you could very well see, that he had already a personality of his own. He was kind, patient, open minded and curious like a child. He loved to learn from you about the world and about were his true window to the outside. He knew that he had some kind of feelings for you, but he couldn't tell what it was. Of course he had never experienced something like this before...but he knew that you were special to him and that he wanted to stay at your side whatever the cost.