Innocent Tsumikui



4 years, 9 months ago


There is a canon FFXIV character mentioned often on this page. The specific version of his name that I mainly use throughout Innocent's profile can be considered a spoiler to anyone who has at least just started playing through Shadowbringers.

Innocent Tsumikui

"Do you truly believe that I had desired to have the inevitable fate of becoming an outcast in my birthplace? These golden blades that began to form on my neck at birth... are the proof of my unfortunate existence."

Innocent Tsumikui

Innocent Tsumikui

Biographical Information
  • Japanese Name
    罪喰イノセント; イノセント・アンジェラス; テンペランス
  • Romaji Name
    Tsumikui Inosento; Inosento Anjerasu; Tenperansu
Personal Description
  • Nameday / Birthday (Eorzean Calendar)
    16th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon (June 15th)
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Height
    6'0 (183 cm)
  • Hair Color
    Light Blond
  • Eye Color
    Light Blue (Turns completely gray upon becoming Temperance)
  • Birthplace
  • Race
    Hume/Hyur (35%), Sin Eater (65%)
  • Status
    "Eternally Asleep" (Assumed to be alive)
Voice Claims
  • Japanese Voice Claim
    Toshiki Masuda

Innocent Tsumikui is a fan character whose story is based on the third expansion of Final Fantasy XIV, Shadowbringers.

Born sometime after the events of Shadowbringers, Innocent's true identity is the sin eater Temperance due to a supposed blessing that happened before his birth.


Innocent has the appearance of a young man with long blond hair. An inner layer of his attire noticeably covers most of his neck, hiding smaller replicas of the same blades from the Lightwarden Innocence's wings that naturally started forming as soon as he was born. His outfit includes black (shoes), white (shirt and pants), and dark brown (vest and tie) formal attire.

He also wears an alternate outfit that is less formal than his main one. He keeps the same pants and shoes, but wears a white shirt that appears to be slightly frilled. The dark inner layer of attire he wears is replaced with a black collar (meant to be enough to cover everything from the middle to somewhere near the end of his neck) that is large enough to cover the blades.

Upon becoming Temperance, Innocent's skin becomes paler and his eyes turn gray. His skin, most noticeably across his arms, had developed crack-like markings. His hair had slightly lightened and grew even longer, now reaching the back of his knees when it's fully down. Six angel wings grow out of his back, making him appear similar to a seraph. The small blade replicas that were naturally on his neck had extended from their tips to form solid golden lines in intricate designs down his chest and back.

Temperance wears a white robe that reveals his chest and some of his back. He also wears golden greaves that are exactly like Innocence's.


Throughout Innocent's life, he has always been a quiet individual, but he is shown to be rather kind upon being able to speak to him. Despite being a hybrid between sin eater and Hume and being fully aware of it, Innocent remains passive and isn't willing to harm anyone.

He is also quite curious, shown by his interest in events that happened prior to his birth, which is mostly everything that happened before and during Shadowbringers. However, due to knowing of the Lightwarden Innocence and his soul being merged with his, that is who he truly wants to know about. It's also why he primarily has an interest in what happened in Eulmore and Kholusia.

As Temperance, his personality remains the same. However, as a sin eater who is able to control himself entirely and is still passive, Temperance is actually afraid of his "fate repeating again". That exact fear is what made him allow himself to become Temperance.

Temperance also desperately wants anyone who had come to defeat him to stay away from him. He somewhat has the belief that despite being considered a Lightwarden, there is a chance he is truly a "seraph from the heavens" because of his lack of power, which was most likely also influenced by his parents calling him an angel.


As a Hume, Innocent can be compared to a machinist. However, Innocent primarily specializes in firearms. He doesn't use most fully mechanical based weapons that an actual machinist uses. The names of his unique skills that don't belong to an actual machinist reference both Innocence and the fact that he's truly a sin eater.

As the Lightwarden Temperance, Innocent holds a firearm that is very similar to the Revolver of the Forgiven. Temperance's attacks are somewhat based on the mechanical aspects of the machinist skills except for when he enters his second phase indicated by "Fabricated Immaculate Authority". He is unable to use any of the unique skills he had as Innocent.

Unique Skills

  • Light's Embrace: Innocent fires six bullets that have a chance of inflicting a unique debuff called "Forbidden Destiny", which deals a bit of damage overtime for 20 seconds.
  • Immaculate Wrath: After "Light's Embrace" is used, there is a 20% chance for "Immaculate Wrath" to be able to be activated. Innocent calls out to the "blessed angel" within his soul, which allows Innocent to summon blades around him. It can be used once until the 20% chance caused by "Light's Embrace" allows it to be activated again.
  • Purest Heart: Innocent is able to heal up to 35% of his health.

Abilities as Temperance

Fabricated Immaculate Authority: A derivative of Innocence's "Flaming Sword" ability, named after the "Immaculate Authority" meter that appears during the actual attack in FFXIV. As such, it can still inflict devastating damage upon anyone pierced by it. Instead of blades, feathers from Temperance's wings shoot out and form themselves into blade-like objects. At this point, his attacks completely change into weaker variants of Innocence's attacks.

Justice's Reincarnation: A ray of light fires from the firearm Temperance initially holds. It deals severe damage upon whoever is in front of it.

Heaven's Fall: Temperance fires several bullets from his firearm in front of him, hitting multiple targets at once if they're caught in it. The most damage is inflicted upon who he's targetting, but it deals less damage on anyone else. It is similar to the machinist's "Ricochet" skill.

Angel's Blessing: Temperance's resistance to most attacks increases for 15 seconds. This suddenly activates right before "Guilty or Innocent" is activated. If his health falls to the point it would be automatically executed, the effects are cancelled out before they're meant to end.

Guilty or Innocent: Temperance's final attack before entering his second phase. His firearm turns into two cannons in a similar style, launching rays of light similar to the ones during "Justice's Reincarnation" that follow Temperance as he charges forward three times in different directions. Upon the third attack, the cannons collapse and turn into silver blades that are unavoidable as they rain down.


  • The surname Innocent was born with, Angelus, means "angel".
  • As Temperance, attacks such as "Fabricated Immaculate Authority" aren't exactly under his control. Temperance forcefully gives into Innocence, awakening similar abilities within him.
  • Innocent (before becoming Temperance) will never wear anything that would reveal the blades on his neck. Either he would wear the inner layer he normally has or the collar he wears in his alternate outfit.
  • The name "Temperance" comes from one of the seven heavenly virtues (and also one of the four cardinal virtues), which means self control or self restraint.
    • Temperance is a sin eater who is also called a "Heavenly Virtue" and is known to be the only one of his kind as there aren't six others. As the "Cardinal Virtues" already exist in FFXIV (but are not named after the seven heavenly virtues in particular and so there isn't already a "Temperance" or even the Latin form of the word being used), he cannot be called that.
  • The blades on Innocent's neck are exactly the same as Innocence's wing blades to the point their texture and composition are the same despite being much smaller and permanently attached to his neck. However, they are unable to pierce through his skin, allowing him to have them without any issues.
  • As Temperance, without being connected to Innocence in some way, he would inevitably die. Temperance completely lives off of him at that point and separating them would result in death.
  • Innocent's backstory clearly has inspiration from that of Innocence's, but other than the fact that their souls are merged, they are not meant to be the same person.
  • Innocent had considered leaving Eulmore and Kholusia entirely in order to attempt to start anew. However, he was afraid of somehow being recognized as a hybrid.
  • For those unaware, the reason why Innocent is called a "Hyur" or a "Hume" is because that's what humans are called in FFXIV. However, they're only called Humes in The First, which is the shard (dimension or any other way I've seen it described) where Innocent is meant to exist.



Sometime after the main story of Shadowbringers (mainly everything from Patch 5.0), Innocent Angelus had been born in Eulmore. However, the young Hume (Hyur) was unique. Upon his neck, there were small golden fragments that appeared to belong to blades.

There was a reason for Innocent's unique markings and it came from an event that happened soon after he was conceived. His parents, Icarus and Ophelia, had the desire to have a child who was blessed. One who could be compared to an angel. Someone had approached them, claiming that he was able to allow the child to be like that after it was born. While Icarus had been suspicious of such a claim, both had agreed to it. They hadn't known what this blessing truly was and wouldn't know until years after Innocent was born.

It wasn't meant to have Ophelia birth a child that was blessed or even an angel. It merged Innocent's unborn soul with the soul of the deceased Lightwarden of Kholusia, Innocence. It wasn't clear that any of this had happened, but the fragments upon Innocent's neck would fully become smaller replicas of Innocence's wing blades as early as the age of six. Unknowingly, Innocent was a hybrid between Hume and sin eater, just like Innocence.

At that age, Innocent had grown to be a quiet, yet happy child. He believed that his now fully grown in blades on his neck were normal and his parents thought that it could've been the sign that he was blessed. Many hadn't thought they were real, some considered them markings, and a few did consider it the proof of another hybrid sin eater.

However, Innocent did rarely have strange visions for a while once his neck's blades fully grew in. Visions of a blond haired 'angel', one whose wings were not feathered, but golden and metallic with those same blades attached to his wings. It was Innocence.


As Innocent grew older, he became more fascinated in learning about what had happened in the past, specifically what had happened in Eulmore months before he was born or even years before that.

In the process of doing so, unrelated to Eulmore, he had discovered the word "tsumikui", a word meaning sin eater. The same word that he would eventually take on as a surname in order to not have the fact that he is a sin eater to disgrace his family name.

At the age of 19, Innocent had decided to use the surname Tsumikui in order to no longer bring disgrace to the Angelus bloodline by being born a sin eater. However, he hadn't actually changed his surname because he wasn't willing to go that far, still truly remaining as an Angelus. The reason for this decision came from what he discovered a year prior. The fact that he was a man whose soul wasn't entirely his own and that it was what made him a sin eater.

Main Story (Innocent)

First Appearance

Innocent first appears in Eulmore. He only introduces himself as Innocent (clearly avoiding mentioning the surnames Tsumikui or Angelus for different reasons) early on. It is noted that something seemed off about him, but no one could figure out what it was.

Tainted by Light

As Innocent continued to call out to the "blessed angel" for the sake of temporarily using a bit of his strength and some of his abilities during normal combat, he finally was able to realize that it was corrupting him. While he was mostly a sin eater initially, the light within him had been mysteriously suppressed for years, which Innocent wasn't even aware of. It made it almost impossible for anyone or anything to figure out he was a hybrid through that.

Beginning to fear the consequences of what could happen upon staying any longer, Innocent had chose to return to Eulmore. He knew that it would make no difference if anything happened, but he couldn't allow anyone to know or have an idea on what he truly was, vaguely hinted at by the golden blades he kept hidden on his neck.

Cursed by Fate

Like many years ago, Innocent had once again had visions or dreams involving Innocence in some way. At first, it was only memories of his past. Then Innocence had "spoke" to him, making Innocent believe that he may soon have the same fate as he did.

With his paranoia caused by Innocence, Innocent began believing that what and who he exactly is would actually be discovered soon. It was a fear that he always had ever since he found out the truth behind his 'blessing', but it had gotten worse.

Main Story (Temperance)


Desiring to avoid such an outcome and failing in the end, Innocent had become Temperance, the only "Heavenly Virtue" and because of what he chose to confess, Innocence's "successor". Instead of attacking others or fully becoming a sin eater in every way possible, Temperance had stayed the same completely mentally. However, he wanted everyone to stay away from him even if they had wanted to defeat him. He had flown off to somewhere unknown at the time, hoping to never be found.

Something had completely awoken as a result of Innocent's transformation. Upon fleeing, Temperance discovered that Innocence had managed to awaken and was more than just a "blessed" or "illusionary" 'angel' as he once called him. Unless Temperance mentioned it, no one would be aware of such a thing since Innocence hadn't done anything other than speak to him through a method similar to telepathy at the time.

Two Almost Become One

As it was believed that Temperance would eventually succumb to his fate as a sin eater, it was decided that he must be slain before anything changes. He was eventually found residing elsewhere in Kholusia.

Temperance tried to survive for as long as he could, risking everything by using the full extent of his power. In the end, doing so had allowed Innocence to have control over his body.

Only then Temperance realized that Innocence didn't act like how he thought he was. He only considered Temperance to be a weak vessel. One who he must control himself to do anything right.

Eternal Slumber

After Temperance had been defeated while being under Innocence's control, he returned to normal and soon fell unconscious. However, he hadn't disappeared into aether, which meant he was still alive. Even though it may eventually be the wrong decision, the sin eater wasn't killed. He was left alive in what was assumed to be an eternal slumber.


Temperance had been sealed away somewhere in Kholusia. The location was barely mentioned to avoid the chance of anyone trying to free or control the sin eater.

His slumber was believed to last for decades or even centuries. However, something or someone could awaken him. Something that saved him from death.