Cervimenos Guide



4 years, 6 months ago


These are a species i made for my own world building ideas. They are an open species so that means you can make your own as long as you credit me!

Cervimenos are deer/horse like and are known to be quite proud and curious creatures that usually only appear at night in dark forests, however they do sometimes wander around during the day aswell. Despite them being curious creatures they won't easily approach people and will observe them from a distance. Some believe that seeing a cervimenos is a good omen and therefor brings good luck.

Some people have tried to get close to it as they make fast mounts but only a few have succeeded as they are very stubborn and hard to train let alone listen to orders. Because of this they are considered very valuable but only the wood elves so far seem to have them under their protection as they believe that the cervimenos are sacred creatures of the forest. Those who manage to befriend a cervimenos are bonded for life as a cervimenos will only trust one person.

- It is also possible for them to have glowy strands of floof/hair but it's uncommon to see

Both males and females have antlers although females do tend to have smaller antlers than male do. The cervimenos often can have vines, flowers or other greenery grow over their antlers but it's not impossible to have no greenery grow on them at all. In rarer cases they can even have glowing antlers.

Glowing markings:
Cervimenos always have glowing markings which can vary in shapes. Their markings can come in a few colors which the most common colors to see are blue and green but violet and orange are also possible but a bit more rare to see.