


4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Kayla

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Tribe: Frillwing

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 9 (about 19 in human years)

Backstory: Kayla was always really jealous of royalty and wanted to fit in with them so she did all she could to get lots of jewellery in the hopes of maybe getting noticed by them (she’s lowkey crushing on a princes but she knows she will never get to be with her *sad wip nae nae*) her jewellery means a lot to her and she doesn’t feel confident without it on, she feels like it’s the only thing that makes her beautiful (she has way more jewellery but I just didn’t draw it on her).

She’s lowkey also kinda gothic (as you can see from her collar that she slit her frill for). As a dragonet her parents were pretty nice and good parents but they never told her that she was pretty, or that “aww you look really pretty in that” sort of talk, so that’s part of where her lack of confidence in herself comes from. She also tries to ‘alter’ her personality depending on who she’s talking to as she desperately wants everyone to love her, if you become her close friend you’ll be able to tell the difference between her actual personality and her put on one. •

Optional Veil: As you can see in the second picture she wears veils over her wings and her nose, she doesn’t normally wear these around but will wear them to important places or if she wants to look nice (again she has many different veils those are just one colour).

Mate: Doesn’t have one yet

Biggest fear: Rejection; the thought of everyone calling her ‘ugly’ or not accepting her absolutely terrifies her, this fuels her ‘obsession’ with making herself pretty