Blue Goldstone



7 years, 9 months ago


"Hiro" - Blue Goldstone

  • HEIGHT 5'7"
  • AGE 7,000
  • ORIGIN Evana
  • RESIDENCE Gempire City
  • FACTION Crystal Galaxy Corps
  • ROLE Unknown
  • WEAPON Plasma Sword, Rocket Boots
  • VOICE Adam Young
  • DANCE Zumba
  • VALUE $37

Unreal Super Hero

Kenet & Rez


This "Blue Goldstone" isn't quite like other gems. Abandoning his gem name, he's adopted the name Hiro in its place but that doesn't mean he's not proud of being a gem! Hiro is a fun, outgoing young gem. He's almost always smiling, being a bright and cheerful upbeat kind of guy. He's a little bit of a jokester but doesn't mean any harm to anyone. Hiro enjoys singing and dancing, often times pulling others nearby to join him. He wants the best for everyone, though, and is willing to work with others to cheer them up or have some fun.

Hiro is quite possibly the biggest sweetheart. He's always eager to help in whatever ways he can and is almost a bit naive when it comes to personal things. But though he hides it well behind his dorky geek personality, Hiro is extremely smart. He's able to solve difficult problems quickly and come up with solutions for things that would usually stump others. Hiro loves to create and has a nack of making new inventions, useful or not.

Hiro has anxiety problems and is quick to jumping to the worst conclusions at times. Though he thinks of himself as 'the hero' he can be quite hard on himself and can admit he feels he isn't ever 'good enough' despite the fact he is truly one of the best. On another note; Hiro is also way too easily embarrassed and gets flustered a lot.

Around ten thousand years ago Homeworld started funding for a new line of synthetic gems for a project called "Project Overhaul". Planned to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in Homeworld Kindergarten History, it was kind of a big deal, but it was entirely top secret. Several new lines of gems were created on Planet 49 and one of those were the Goldstones, engineered to design and build machines and technology. Unfortunately Arfvedsonite, the leader of the project, was also dabbling in some less than savory experiments of her own volition. These experiments lasted a couple thousand years before a permafusion named Fordite came and put a stop to the entire project.

Fortunately Fordite had come in just in the nick of time, successfully rescuing a small handful of gems from Planet 49 just as another force arrived and blew the planet to bits. This particular Blue Goldstone, one of the only survivors from the entire project, opted to stay with Fordite and the other rebels along their travels through the cosmos. Eventually, after picking a few more gems up here and there, Team Galaxy later learned about the Crystal Gems and the rebellion and decided to check out Earth. Falling in love with the planet, the crew adopted the Crystal Gem code and decided to stick around to protect Earth and help clean up the after effects of the war. Meanwhile the Goldstone had taken a huge interest in human culture and adopted a human name; Hiro.

At first Hiro was relatively shy and kept to himself most of the time but after a little while of living onboard the Galaxy he came out of his shell to become the character he is today. The Goldstone is hyperactive, playful, and almost always smiling. Though some may believe that he's an annoyance at best, always in everyone elses business and trying to get others to play with him, those who have the patience with him find that Hiro is quite possibly the biggest sweetheart. He's always eager to help in whatever ways he can and generally wants the best for everyone. And though he hides it well behind his dorky geek personality, Hiro is extremely smart. He's able to solve difficult problems quickly and come up with solutions for things that would usually stump others. Hiro loves to create and has a nack of making new inventions, useful or not.

  • Space and Stars
  • Music and Dance
  • Comic Books, Superheroes, Cartoons
  • Humans and Human Achievements
  • Sleeping and Eating
  • Hardcore Homeworld Gems
  • Arrogant/Entitled Gems
  • Things harmful to Earth/the Environment
  • Small Spaces, Deep Water, and Darkness

  • Because of how big of a human geek he is, Hiro has taught himself the ability/knowledge to speak many of the human languages on Earth. Some of them he knows are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Esperanto, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and even American Sign Language.

Enhanced Durability

  • Able to withstand great amounts of blunt force or trauma without gemstating.
  • "Bounces Back" easily.

Night Vision

  • Seeing clearly in low light conditions and even total darkness.
  • Viewing beyond shadows.

Mechanical Intuition

  • Have an innate understanding of even the most complex aspects of mechanics with little or no study.
  • Instantly knows how most devices work and how to operate them.
  • Instinctively comprehend how to build devices.
  • Able to take defective scraps and make them into working devices.
  • Colorblind, only able to see in hues of blue and purple.
  • Hiro suffers from a slight case of PTSD and has anxiety. If triggered he can become extremely vunerable.

Enhanced Durability

  • Can only take so much trauma before succumbing to the effects.
  • Can still be effected by magical attacks.
  • Can still get cut and scratched easily.

Night Vision

  • Sensitive to sudden flashes or bright light. (he wears his visor)
  • Might take some time for his eyes to re-adapt to regular light. (if visor is removed)
  • He's very protective about his special eyes.

Mechanical Intuition

  • Not enhanced intelligence! he simply knows, or "feels" how to build things.
  • Limited to whatever materials he has at his disposal.
  • Tends to go a little overboard with his projects.


[Blue Goldstone x Nuummite]


Koroit Opal
[Blue Goldstone x Midnight Lace Obsidian]


Matrix Opal
[Blue Goldstone x BG Fire Opal]


  • Hiro is the BIGGEST fan of American Comics and the whole concept of "super heroes" but despite popular belief he isn't too big on anything anime and manga.
  • Hiro is absolutely fasinated with humans and their culture. He was inspired by the humans to adopt a human name, even if it's considered really weird in gem standards.
  • Because of how much he loves humans, Hiro self taught himself several of the main human languages in hopes that if he ever met one he would be able to speak to them fluently.
  • Hiro never, EVER, takes off his visor. He's so self concious about the way his eyes look, in fact, less than a handful of gems know what his eyes even look like!

Artist Notes

  • NEVER to be drawn without his visor.
  • The gemstone on his stomach/waist is important to his design and must always be included.
  • notes

Character Credits

Code by Aurorean