Shuhei [E0]'s Comments

Hello! Do you possibly accept offers on him? I really miss him (and I got back into bnha/mha again lol), but it's fine if not.

Also, he has some extra art that I forgot to upload, I'll transfer it overin a bit ^^

I kind of miss one of the characters I traded you too (Hireath)

I'd be willing to trade him back for Hireath, but otherwise, I'm not interested. 

Ah dang, I see. Hiraeth is really important to a story of mine so I unfortunately can't trade him 😔

Idk if you'd change your mind if I offered money since idk if you'd accept that for him, but it's fine if not. Maybe I'll lyk if I lose connection to Hiraeth at some point.

Is there anyone in this folder that interests you for this guy? Offlimits are the mains and nfo, offlimits, and do not offer tags (though if you like someone with those tags, you can lmk who and there's a chance I MIGHT give them away). The foreverhomed tag means I'm tent. You can go outside if you'd like, but the folder has most of my more higher quality ocs.

Just letting you know I have a lot — and I mean A LOT — of ocs and folders, so I understand if you're not able to look through my whole th.

I took the time to go through all of your characters not within those tags(lol) and I spotted a few that interest me :D

Zach on Toyhouse

TBN on Toyhouse

TBN on Toyhouse

--- on Toyhouse

here are the ones inside your tags that I think are pretty cool as well(not getting my hopes up but sdslk lol):
--- on Toyhouse

Alfonzi on Toyhouse

I can trade the first two and --- ^_^

Feel free to choose who to trade

would it be alright if I ask for both TBN on Toyhouse and --- on Toyhouse as there are two pieces of art for this character?

Sure! I'll go transfer them over ^_^

ty! sent as well!

May I have this character?
(I sent you my part of the trade)

Could've sworn I sent the transfer earlier ^^ ; Should be transferring now!