💀Donovan Dusk🎪



4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Character Number:











Acrobatic / Stilts


  • Donovan's nose is broken due to overly trying to perform well- he ends up falling because he was to much in his head. He felt like he had to do his best because the leaders of his ring were there, and everyone was terrified that if they didn't do good- they would have to get rid of their circus, and they new the ring leaders were sick people- always doing corrupt things
  • When they didn't perform to there standard- they sent an assasin to take care of the circus. (The assasin looked exactly like Katie- but it wasn't her- but was a female) She burned down the tent and killed everyone but Donovan- He watched her run away from the flames, as he was surrounded by pain. After that Donovan dedicated himself to making the best circus possible. Then he got his skull mask after.
  • Meeting Katie and Kate: (Lovejoy - the Fall was used in this story)
  • Donovan hates Katie at first, he thinks she is the one due to his family dying- He's confused and angry when he sees her attending his circus. And knows she wouldn't recognize him due to his skull. The show Starts=
  • Then he is on his tight rope, and his swing- he swing and his face goes inches from Katie's and she is in awe of his performance! Then Donavan gets a flash back of the tent burning, and a figure that looks like Katie in a coat runs away.
  • And it shows Donovan growing up in fear. He pops a few pills, and continues the show- although his partners notice. But Donovan still keeps seeing his family dyeing, over and over.
  • He stops and looks around, noticing everyone's stare- He starts climbing his ladder going up and up, And shouts:
  • "So Come on, one and all to see the apathy. The rings of graced dead souls that fill the tapestry, (shows tapestries of his fallen family) I look to all of you and see a different fucking species. Aspiration for a different destination to me. Across the Pennines, thin blue line and the night for the Fall Would do something, if it wasn't also half my fault 'Cause I'm so high, my brain can't even look at the Fall and when you've reached the top there's nowhere else to go but- " (Takes mask off)
  • And he breathes and preps to jump- his coworkers start screaming at him knowing he has nothing to land on to or grab. Katie, and Kate notice this and go into action, Katie using Kate's choker (it's magic) and Kate using her normal magician magic- Katie makes a giant cushion for him, and Kate gets her top hat and launches a bunch of stuffed animals out of it. Saving Donovan