Saule's Comments


Okay, hai again! Last one I promise!!!! The characters you have are so adorable and especially like four more in this section that I adore but im absolutely holding myself back to not write for all of em </3 idrk what the limit really is but like. . .


Anyways! This little critter would be used in a side story I'm writing called 'Demonic Love' would totally keep the name the same I love it sm. 

I always imagined this one fallen angel character I have to get an animal companion of her own and this one would be purrfect 😏 (im sorry i had too 😢)

Saule fell along side the angel Vereniki, originally the angels didn't mean for the animal to go down with her but it jumped after her like the loyal friend it was, sadly no one was able to grab it before it passed through the clouds so they just had to live with it. . They were sadly split up during the falling process though. 

Due to their terrible luck, they landed extremely far from eachother and it wasn't going to be easy finding one another. Furthermore they also didn't know weather the other would be dead by now. Angel halos and wings were very valuable and often sold illegally for very high prices.

Saule was found by two kind demon ballerinas after it was chased around for a good five minuites. The two of them took the critter in and took care of it. Even though it didn't fully like these two women, it was a nice feeling to not get hunted down by the more scarier demons.

Vereniki however managed to get herself intertwined with the demon royal family, she was being kept as a prisoner for her safety and honestly they weren't exactly that wrong. No one would try to grab an angel that was a prisoner to one of the strongest demons in hell.

Niki (fallen angel's nickname) had found out that Saule was alive when Melania had informed her that one of the demon boses, Neomuna and her assistant had found an angelic cat like creature. Niki immediately knew who it was from the description that was provided (these ballerinas don't have anyone contacts XD) 

Melania decided to get the angel cat from their estate and bring it to the fallen angel. It was nice seeing such an adorable reunion and after that, Vereniki talked a lot more and finally decided to answer some of the questions that were asked like a million times. However, she only gave the answer to one specific demon, Melania. All the others she would go back to ignoring like usual.


Yes, the two did reunite (yippie) no sad ending on my watch. 

I'm also just gonna ask this now, how many WTA are you allowed per person until their not allowed anymore? Just asking as I am interested in some more... 😋 I'm probably getting really annoying, aren't I?

The others I have gotten are doing amazing in their new homes! :D 

*Disappears again*

Hi! Replying to your question, you can write for unlimited characters!! (I encourage you write/ask for more personally!!!)

also, the story’s nice for her, but saule’s pending already!! Though there’s a chance she’ll be put back ufo so i’ll lyk!! (You’ll see if she’s transferred in the future lol)

ur not annoying & do as much as u want!!!

its n ame reminds me of sauli niinistö bro


saule means sun in latvian

sauli niinistö m,y bbg