


4 years, 4 months ago



Ancient Blue Dragon

Motivation: Greed, Pride

Possible interactions: 
•A character is the one who broke off his horn and/or took his left eye, and Atrax seeks retribution
•A character lost loved ones to one of his raids, and seeks retribution
•A character seeks to raid/has raided his hoard, and is now being hunted down

Atraxamenes (commonly known as Atrax) inhabits canyons or coastlines near large cities. He prefers to keep a labyrinth-like cave lair, while also often owning a small home in the city he likes most. It's rare he uses it, but when he finds a need to visit his "territory", he can often be found there under the guise of a human. 

His main goal is to accrue more wealth and power, ever expanding his hoard and shoving competitors out. If he catches wind of another dragon on his turf, no matter the kind, he will hunt it down and get rid of it, often keeping horns or claws from his fallen rivals as trophies. He often raids caravans and traveling merchants, finding them the easiest to dispatch and take their valuables without attracting too much notice. He most prefers to collect gems, especially sapphires, and golden armor or jewelry. Above all, he loves the luster of golden coins, and when he's not wreaking havoc, he can often be found polishing tarnished coins in his lair. 

Atrax cunning and patient, yet exceedingly proud. Any person who besmirches his pride or touches his hoard will receive harsh retribution. He seethes and festers on his grudges, often blowing real or perceived slights out of proportion and exacting revenge. He'll wait patiently for the right opportunity to inflict the most cruel and unusual punishments he can imagine, often involving killing loved ones or destroying social status. He rarely kills the targets of his grudge outright, seeking to make them suffer as long as he can draw out. 

The blue dragon wields lightning as his weapon, and his presence is often heralded by a thunderstorm. When enraged, his eyes and mouth glow an eerie blue, and the long black spikes that cover his body act as lightning rods. He gathers and fires electricity as his breath weapon, and uses the electricity to move faster.