TBN - 20€



4 years, 5 months ago


The way we choose to see the world, creates the world we see.

Name Name
Age unborn
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Role unknown
Species Wolve

Do and don´ts
  • Please don´t steal or copy any of my characters.
  • Please don´t draw NSFW art of my characters without my permission.
  • You can draw all of my characters as anthros.
  • You can draw my characters in interaction with your characters, but please no intimate situations without permission,some of my OC´s have partners.
  • You can draw all of my characters if you want to, i love art of all of them.

In progress...

In progress...

In progress...

In progress...


In the heart of the vast and mystical forest, where ancient trees whispered their secrets and the sunlight danced through the leaves, I, Mohan, roamed as a young white wolf. My fur was as soft as freshly fallen snow, and my eyes, even then, shone with a pale blue hue. Though the world was yet unknown to me, my journey had already begun. As a pup, I navigated the world guided by instincts and the tender guidance of my parents and the elder wolves of our pack. They watched over me with love and patience, knowing that my journey would be different from theirs. I was born blind, my eyes a pale blue that held a mystique, and my pack embraced my uniqueness as a gift from the spirits. Through their teachings, I learned to rely on my other senses—the scent of the forest, the symphony of sounds that unfolded around me, and the touch of the earth beneath my paws. They taught me the language of the wind, the rustling of leaves, and the subtle vibrations that revealed the presence of life. With their guidance, I ventured into the wilderness, eager to explore and uncover the wonders it held. During those early days, the forest spoke to me in a thousand whispers. I would sit in awe as the birds serenaded the dawn, their melodies carrying messages of joy and freedom. The babbling streams taught me the art of resilience, as they flowed gracefully despite obstacles in their path. I felt the pulse of life in every blade of grass and the nurturing embrace of the ancient trees that stood as sentinels of wisdom. My pack, recognizing my unique gifts, bestowed upon me a special role. They called upon me to soothe their woes and heal their wounds, even in my tender youth. With my gentle touch and the energy that flowed through me, I lent them comfort and offered solace in times of need. Their trust in me bloomed, strengthening our bond and shaping my path as a healer. As I grew older, the spirits of the forest revealed themselves to me. In the quiet moments, when the moon cast its ethereal light upon our home, they whispered their ancient knowledge into my ears. They taught me the secrets of the healing plants, the remedies hidden in the depths of the forest. I embraced their teachings with reverence, knowing that their wisdom would shape me into the healer I was destined to become. In those early years, I encountered challenges and setbacks, as all young creatures do. But my pack, with their unwavering love, nurtured my spirit and encouraged me to persist. They saw the light that shone within me, even if it couldn't be perceived by sight, and they believed in the vast potential that lay dormant within my soul. Through their guidance and the gentle nudges of the forest's spirits, I learned to embrace my blindness as a blessing. It became the gateway to a world unseen, a world where the connections between beings were illuminated, and the songs of nature danced in harmony. The spirits whispered to me, reminding me that true sight resided within the heart and soul, transcending the limitations of the physical form. And so, my childhood unfolded amidst the enchantment of the forest. Each day brought new discoveries, new lessons, and new joys. With every step, I embraced the love of my pack, the wisdom of the spirits, and the symphony of life that surrounded me. It was during those formative years that the foundations of my path as a healer were laid, setting the stage for the extraordinary journey that awaited me. Now, as I stand here in the present, my pale blue eyes still shining with the wisdom bestowed upon me in my youth, I am grateful for every moment that has shaped me. The spirits, the forest, and my pack have molded me into the healer I am today. And as I look ahead, I carry the innocence and wonder of my childhood within me, knowing that the forest's magic will forever guide my steps on this remarkable journey of healing and connection.


Not in a relationship

He has no partner at the moment!


No partner

Not in a relationship at the moment!

Design Informations
Designer lightningspam
Owner Ori_gina_lart
Status Personal OC/not for sale
Value 15€