The Starling



4 years, 5 months ago


Lena, the Starling


Name: Lena January / The Starling Called: Lena / "Star"
Age: 21-22 Gender: Cis Female
Race: Japanese American Origin: Gotham
Role: Vigilante MBTI: INFP - The Mediator
Zodiac: Virgo Sun Theme: Victorious

"Semper Fidelis"

Lena grew up in the Gotham Narrows with her father, Arthur January and her mother, Takahashi Riku. She had a brother, Joshua, who ran away while she was in the Marines. She joined the Marine Corp out of high school, but was kicked out after recieving a citation and a dishonorable discharge. Seeing vigilantism as a way to dole out justice on her own terms, she took the name of a bird- the Starling.








Driven, impulsive and empathetic, Lena was a fixture in the Narrows as someone that could be looked to for help. When she returned from her brief tenure in the Marines, she seemed dispondant, and distant. When she took to the streets as a masked crimefighter however, her original demeanor returned, with added confidence.

After her death, her personality took another turn, similar to when she returned from the Marines. While she has sense been broken of her obsessive behavior, her moods took a turn to erraticism, though previous experience with the Lazarus Pit has shown these effects might be temporary. While she continues to engage in some incredibly reckless behavior, she tends to err more on the side of caution- taking up improvised riot gear fashioned from her old body armor from her days in the Marines.


  • Sharpshooting.
  • Her family, be it found or by blood.
  • Netflix. She's on season 14 of NCIS.
  • Anything by ODESZA.


  • Batman, has a general problem with authority as a whole.
  • Being the damsel.
  • Her day-job, a Starbucks Barista.
  • She hates wearing heels but she loves the aesthetic. She is conflicted.


Height: 5' ft Build: Muscular, lean
Eyes: Black, dark green rings at the center Skin tone: Pale
Hair style: Plain/Straight / Wears a red wig Hair color: Black / Bright Red (wig)
Demeanor: Confident Appeal: Friendly
  • After the Lazarus Pit, her eyes changed, and she now possesses partial heterochromia as the color green rings around her iris.
  • Her costume resembles that of a Starling's plummage.
  • Her hair reaches her mid-back when she isn't wearing a wig.
  • She has a myriad of scars, including a y-incision from her autopsy.









Possibly a better marksman than the Red Hood, Lena was a Marine sniper. Though now she uses her skills mainly in her vigilante work, they have not dulled and seem to only sharpen as time goes along.

Enhanced Homeostasis

After being exposed to the Lazarus Pit, Lena's bones, muscles and organs appear to be denser, stronger and more durable than before. Her organs are much more stable in her body and can handle more impact damage, her bones are much stronger than before and her muscles can endure for longer.

People Skills

While definitely friendly and giving towards the community in her own way, Lena isn't really good at saying the right thing all the time. She's still learning, even at her age.


She's currently enrolled in a pharmaceutical program at Gotham University. She wants to open a clinic like Dr. Leslie, or at least, she's hoping she'll be able to step away from the life and do it one day. For the moment, she uses her education to perform triage on fellow vigilantes.


Lena was a normal girl growing up. Her mother, Riku, was a minor superhero in California before she met Lena's father and moved with him to Gotham. While Riku was disappointed that Lena tested negative for the meta-gene, she was incredibly proud when she enlisted in the Marines. While Lena was deployed to Afghanistan, her younger brother, Joshua, ran away for unknown reasons. Lena believes him running away was her fault. After she was kicked out of the Marine Corps for assaulting a prisoner with a deadly weapon, she returned to Gotham, believing herself to be a failure. Her friend, Bruno Bautista, suggests they take a page out of Batman's book and become masked vigilantes.

Starling and Death

Lena's tenure as the Starling began one night on a rooftop. Using her skills that she acquired in the military, she and Bruno began to clean up the streets of the Narrows and Crime Alley. At this point in time, the Red Hood had been sent to Blackgate Prison, and the two believed in carrying on his work. Batman encountered her, attempting to convince her to give up the life and go legit. She refuses, but when he asks they take the night off, she does so. She later recieves a scholarship from th Wayne Foundation and uses it to begin studying Pre-Med in an attempt at a legitimate job she can use to help others, and temporarily quite being Starling. However, like most heroes, Lena was drawn back to the life, along with Bruno.

While Bruno became severely wounded on the job and survived, Lena was not so lucky. In an alleyway one night, she was shot twice, once below the heart and once above her left breast. She bled out in minutes. When first responders finally showed up on scene, it was the GCPD, not the EMTs. There wasn't any reason to send anyone other than them, because it looked like a murder in an alley. Bruno, stricken with grief, stole her body from the morgue a week after her murder and placed her in a Lazarus Pit.

Vengeance and a Mentor

At first, all seemed normal when Lena returned. She hid from her parents and from society, as she was legally dead, living out of Bruno's apartment. She began to put together a plan, to carry out strategic assassinations to bring the crime world to its' knees. Falcones, Maronis, Black Mask's cronies, corrupt politicians all found their way onto her board. As she began to carry out these assassinations, people noticed. Bruno noticed her behavior, and he sought out the only person he'd heard a rumor about doing something similar; Red Hood.

Upon seeing Lena's "obssession board", Red Hood agreed to help her, confronting her after a long search to try and convince her to stop and leave Gotham for a little while. She did eventually relent, but the two fought before she agreed. The two have been spotted in Disneyland, on a beach in Galvestone, and at Blizzard Headquarters in Anaheim.



Jason Todd / Red Hood

[ Mentor ]

After coming back from the grave, her best friend, Bruno, sought out the Red Hood to help his friend, knowing that they might share similar experiences. Jason has since taken Lena under his wing, almost as if she is his Robin.


Bruno Bautista / Grackle

[ Best Friend ]

Lena and Bruno have known each other since childhood. They began dressing up as the masked vigilantes, Grackle and Starling, and began their own team. After she came back from the dead, however, their relationship has begun to fray at the seams. Lena misses him, but he is nervous about what she might become.



[ Enemies ]



  • Lena is fluent in both English and Japanese.
  • She purchased the wig she uses for the Starling costume at a Party City.
  • She has a broken batarang in a shoebox in her room at her parent's house. She used to admire Batman when she was a kid.
  • Her father, Arthur January, was also a Marine sniper.
  • She will occasionally use her mother's maiden name, Takahashi, as an alias.

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