


4 years, 6 months ago



Maybe some apples, ma'am? ~

young adult
150 480r.
Half-Angel (Half-Ahylian)
Local fruit seller



In the past she got a promise, that her pure heart would be her ticket to Heaven's Kingdom.

Those words, which she heard from her parents when she was young probably didn't affected on her too much. Living in Heaven's Kingdom was her dream, but Layla never thought about it as a reward for being nice and kind. She acted like this naturally, and even little things done for another person made her happier.

Layla spend her whole life on earth, in little town Alyvlyn. It was the place, where she grew up and learned, that angels (in her case, half-angels) could have a good life on earth and in time she also learned, that this is the only place where she want to be. She called it "home", and nothing could change it.


Layla is probably on of the purest person in the town; she's kind, helpful and selfless. Layla got a natural desire to giving away stuff for free (it's well known, that Layla regularly gives away apples from previous season to random people) and gifting her friends or family. She's resourceful and she's not scared of hard work.

On the other hand, she know that she's a little bit naive, so she's trying to fight with it - she's thinking a lot before making a decision, and acting reasonable, with no feelings. In the same time, it doesn't mean that she's always like this. Sometimes Layla just follow her heart, and nothing will stop her. She's determined and always try to reach her goals.

Layla is usually calm and composed, but she also doesn't mind joining a party and just have some fun with friends. She likes to hang out from time to time, and forgot about problems for a while.




Height: 1.55m
Build: petite, small
Eyes: Blue + violet heterochromia
Hair: Blond + white
Long, wavy
Demeanor: calm
Notes: Medium-sized angel wings
Heterochromia eyes
Freckles on face
Short "elf" ears
Some spiky hair around face





Layla was born near Alyvlyn town in 150 480. Her mother is elf (wingless) Yanne, and father- angel (ahylian) Zarahiel. They got some problems from the very beginning- Layla's father, because of his work on Heaven's Kingdom wasn't present at home too often. Layla and Yanne understood that, and hapilly it didn't affected on their relationships too much. When Zarahiel went back home, they spend whole time together in happiness. Father told some stories to little Layla, how amazing Heaven's Kingdom is, and it made her want visit or even live in this place. Sadly, as half-angel it wasn't possible for her. Parents told Layla, that if she'll have a good heart and she'll be always nice and kind, one day she will live in Heaven's Kingdom. It wasn't really truth- Layla still would not be able to live here alone, but Zarahiel wanted to make Layla's dream come true by arrange a marriage between his friend's son and Layla. It was probably only way for her to receive a "ticket" to Heaven's Kingdom. Of course, Layla doesn't know about it and she was sure, that once she will be adult, she will go to Heaven's Kingdom and live here... somehow.

On the earth

Layla grew up and she definetly was happy with her life - she got good family and a lot of friends around. When she was 6y.o she went to General Magical School in Alyvlyn, and she learned perfectly - she was one of the best students in her age. Of course she was - her angelic powers made good job, and also Layla was bright and learned quickly. In the free time she met with her friends, but also she was a big help for her mother. Yanne got a big plot of fruit orchards, especially apple and peach trees. Layla from her young age gathered fruits and took care of trees.

When she was 17.y.o she finished up her 2nd part of schooling, and decided to not continue it (on 3rd part). She realized, that helping her mother with orchards is much more important than school. Yanne was a little bit weak, and it was hard for her to take care of everything around home. Parents didn't say a word about it - they knew that Layla is responsible enough to make her own decisions. Layla, to help her mother as much as possible, started to sell fruits on local market in Alyvlyn.

A new friend

Layla made her best with working, and she became a well-known fruit seller. She also made friends with other local sellers, and one of her best friends was wingless elf Ammel.

One day, when she gave away older apples from previous season to people, she met Ashalthar - necromancer boy, who got an opinion of jerk and unpleasant person. Layla wasn't prejudiced and she was kind for him as for others, which truly surprised Ash. This situation was a beginning of their relationship - Ashalthar was impressed by Layla's kind heart and he started to visit her from time to time. They went on lunch together, talked a lot and definetly there was a good friendship between them.

One day their relationship seemed to went on another level- Ashalthar invited Layla for local festival, to celebrate it together and hang out. They had a lot of fun in it, tried exotic snacks, played mini-games and danced. In the end, when Ashalthar escorted Layla to her home, they kissed; unfortunatelly, some of Ashalthar's "friends" saw it and they made a bad comment about Ashalthar's past, which was not really true. Layla started to cry and ran home, when Ashalthar needed to do some important meetings with his Masters, and he hasn't time to explain anything.

When Ash and Layla met again, angel girl didn't want to talk to him at first, but Ashalthar asked her for "one talk, nothing more". Layla finally agreed, and in the same day Ash explained some things to Layla about his bad past. He also told her, that his feelings to her are real, and he doesn't want to play with her. Layla was still a little bit broken and lost, but she decided to keep friendship between them. After some time and few meetings, Layla realized that she also feel something "more" to Ash, and told it to him once. They became a couple just after it.


To be added...



-Helping others
-Warm baths
-Animals, especially birds
-Reading books
-Milk cake
-Pink stuff
-Colorfull bracelets
-Learning new things
-Too fried meat
-Wasting food
-Smell of medicine potions
-Citrin grass
-Sweet tea
-Spicy food
-Toxic monsters
  • She loves to do her morning stretches;
  • Prefer to drink fresh fruit juices instead of eating fruits;
  • She's "morning bird" and she likes to be woken up before sun is up;
  • Once she tried to cut her wings off, when she realized that parents lied to her about important thing for her;
  • Sometimes she light up some candles when she rest after hard day;
  • Got a little diary with sentences, which she likes;
  • Very sentimental, she got a box full of various things, which reminds her about good memories from the past;





" My lovely partner and husband; maybe for others he's not too kind, but since we met I always knew that he got a good heart. For me he's loving and caring, he's someone I can fully trust. Thanks to him I'm still alive too, so it's another thing which I'm thankful for. He's a part of my family forever, I'll never stop loving him. My dream, my lover, my everything."




"My daughter; I love her so much, I know that I'll die for her. Even as child, she always was so mature and responsible. As a mother I'll always protect her and help her when she'll need it.