Hales Han



8 years, 20 days ago


Frat boy at your local college.

Sophomore, 19

Fully financially supported by parents. A/B-average student, gets by with moderate amounts of cheating.

Has a lot of aquiantances but no close friends at his school. His best friend Gale doesn't go to college.

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Hales is very good at typical social interaction, and would be described as "cool" and "chill" by most of his peers.

He got his scars through a (not really) tragic accident in his childhood.

They don't really bother him, but he covers them up so they don't distract other people. 

His family essentially smothers him, even his older sister who actively tries not to. 

Despite this, he is quite independent and arguably responsible. 

He wears the same clothes every day, mostly just because he can.

However, he does own other clothes, including 10 slightly different shades of pink polo shirts.

Hales has a strange dedication to his tamagotchi, which he always wears on his lanyard.

It's probably a bit odd, but those who know him have simply gotten used to it.

He wants little more out of life than to settle down with a partner into a peaceful family...