
4 years, 6 months ago


Bagbean #1308 Arctic Skua

Can be drawn with either pattern and/or outfit featured on main images.

Kariya (Usually goes by Kai,)

Nonbinary, any pronouns (usually uses He/They,)

Kind and studious but strict and makes sure to always stick to the rules. Has a good sense of humor but tends to be a bit of a stick in the mud, isn't great in casual social situations because of how he often takes things way to seriously and stuff tends to fly over his head easily. He is very loyal but often pushes people away on accident due to not being very good with emotions or reading social situations. He is very open with his opinions but cares what the people he is close to think about him so has to force himself not to say things, fearing they'll be taken the wrong way. When he is comfortable with someone he will crack many jokes and have a fun time but he has recently become distrustful of many people due to being left by many of his " friends" in the past and isn't really close to anyone anymore. He's okay being solitary most of the time, however. He is very confident in himself and knows it's other people's fault for not being able to accept him, though he does wish to connect to people again and find true friends, he just doesn't know where to look for genuine folk. Nowadays he is kind to everyone he meets but is tentative to get too close, especially as he is aware that he is easy to take advantage of due to his kind and loyal nature.

He is very outdoorsy and loves nature. He is often trecking in the woods or some other biome and really enjoys fishing and cartography. He especially loves everything about the sky, clouds, stars, birds, etc, and flies whenever he feels like being above the canopy. He is very physically fit and is adept with many different types of weapons, from common to bizarre, as one of his hobbies is studying different styles of combat. Despite being adventurous, he doesn't like be far from home for too long and his trips never last too long, at most he will be away for a week or two.

More info tba.

Birthday September 18th.