Wisconsin State



4 years, 6 months ago



Wisconsin State








5” ft








High School Student


Delta Clan



Wisconsin used to be a pretty Trufflefloss that was affected by a winter plague known as the Peppermint Virus. It all started in the month of December, when the first outbreak occurred in the Zeta Clan and then spread out from there.

Before the virus, she used to be a pageant princess who would win shiny awards with her stellar looks. Now she can’t even handle looking at herself in the mirror. She’s absolutely heinous to look at (or at least she is in her eyes).

She’s currently just gotten out of quarantine and doesn't know what to do with her life.


Wisconsin used to be a very obnoxious rich bitch who would take any chance she could get to brag about all her luxuries and past accomplishments. She was very pompous and would take pride in her gorgeous appearance.

However, since contracting the Peppermint Virus, she’s changed quite a bit. She’s definitely toned down on the boasting she used to do and now she’s encountering a whole lot of self-esteem issues. Her confidence has also wavered and diminished in quantity.

In a way, she has become a nicer person, and she’s definitely less annoying now as well. It’ll take her a while to heal and feel completely okay again.


As a Kappa, Wisconsin has the power of super speed. She’d usually utilize it to her favor by shopping and putting on making fast.

She'll also just pace around very quickly whenever she’s feeling nervous.


Once upon a time, Wisconsin’s father used to be very happy.

He was a Kappa man named Vermont while her mother was a kind woman named Eileen. They were content with each other and would dote on and care for Wisconsin as much as they could. Things were amazing back then.

Then, one day, when Wisconsin was six years of age, she received horrible news.

It turns out that Eileen had been diagnosed with leukemia, a specific type of cancer that interfered with her blood cells. She was expected to die in a couple of years in due time.

Since they were a rich family, Vermont tried his hardest to do everything he could to help Eileen through the process. However, the cancer was persistent, and it still lead to her inevitable death by the time Wisconsin was eight.

After the funeral, Vermont was never the same.

He began to neglect Wisconsin. While he still had food for her and there was no issue with their finances, he would start paying less attention to her. He would stop picking her up from school, reading her bedtime stories, and couldn’t even say hi to her most days. He could barely even get out of bed half the time, and on occasion, she could hear Vermont crying himself to sleep in the bed he used to share with his wife.

At first, Wisconsin didn’t mind and tried to put up with it. She was very saddened by her mother’s demise too, and she knew that it would take some time to heal.

Eventually, however, as the months flew by and there were still no signs of Vermont changing his behavior, Wisconsin knew that something was wrong. Vermont couldn’t even stand to look her in the eyes now, perhaps because she resembled her mother quite a lot in appearance. He had even removed his marriage gem because it was a painful reminder of happier days.

While she tried to be as accepting of his long-term grief as she could, Wisconsin had enough.

It felt easier to be angry at her father rather than sad, since being sad was a painful burden to bear, so she began growing independent and putting distance between her and Vermont. She would start doing her own things, she would be invested in beauty shows, and she would start taking an interest in makeup. She did all of this on her own, perhaps to prove that she could do things by herself from now on.

She grew up being unbearable. With every year that passed, she became more and more spoiled and rotten. She was a true mean girl to the core.

By the time Vermont decided to finally change for the better and start paying attention to her again, she was twelve and didn’t give a shit. She brutally shut down any attempts he made at trying to communicate with her. She decided to move in with her kooky witch aunt and preferred to stay with her rather than Vermont. That in itself was a surprise, considering how she didn’t really like her Aunt Nevada all that much, but it was whatever.

She would continue life like this, with a relentless attitude aimed her father and a vicious determination to be the best pageant girl she could be, up until the day she had contracted the Peppermint Virus that ruined her life.

Now she can’t attend any pageant shows anymore, let alone see herself as beautiful.


Somewhere in the near future, Wisconsin will finally make up with her dad, and there will be a lot of tearworks along the way. She’ll eventually work at improving her relationship with him.

Wisconsin used to be very into social media, but now she isn’t anymore. She can’t even take selfies anymore without crying or feeling gross.


5741726?1579076442 Finch Phillips

precious boyfriend

5515014?1587693892 Vermont State

her father

xK4z1xQ.png Nevada State

her weirdo aunt

VRnl1HI.png Priscilla Enoshima

a nice friend

oSrh2tX.jpg Levi Sherman

a nice friend

4771301? Olivia State

younger adoptive sister

I feel numb...
