Lucie Sharilyn Bambini



4 years, 6 months ago


Sorry for not posting this earlier. I been pretty busy. :'D 

I was also gifted this by Mery and I thank her kindly for Lucie! ^^ I also thank Rue for showing me this amazing group!


   Name:  Lucie Sharilyn Bambini  

 Nickname:  Lulu, Shari, Bambi

 Creature : Stufful (Pokemon) (Rare)

 Gender:  Female

 Subspecies:  Sakaguru

 Occurrence:  Fluff Plush Sakaguru (Legend)

   Sakura color(s): Multicolored. Light pink, dark pink and white.  

 Age:  14

 Birthday:  Feburary 21st, 10:21 p.m, 2015

 Tattoo location:  Her left ankle

 Height: 4'11"  




 Innocent-  Lucie sees the world in almost a whimsical and bright place. She sees everything with a genuine curiosity. She sees the potential in everyone to be amazing and loves even the smallest ounce of goodness in everyone. She has a joyful attitude about life.

 Wise for her age-  Her Godfather imbued her with much wisdom and her reading has taken her to understand logic, reasoning, and virtue. She doesn't have perfect understanding, but it's still well beyond her years. She has a good understanding of psychological nature. 

Despite this, she is not a people pleaser.- Her self-worth and value has been instilled greatly by her Godfather. She doesn't worry about insecurity. 

 Straightforward-  She will say what she thinks just as a child does. Asking questions in the most inappropriate times. 

 Empathetic-  She feels pained to see pain in the world around her. She naturally wants to help or comfort. She has sympathy for those nobody typically has sympathy for. She's naturally kind to everyone. 

 A voracious reader-  She's grown up on the classics thanks to her Godfather's teachings. She loves reading the same books over and over. She can't sleep without having read before bed. 

 Daydreamer-  She does this a lot. She loves dreaming up stories. Sometimes, she dreams she is someone else and sometimes she starts feeling a bit sad because she actually wants to be this person. It's a strange feeling that causes her to snap back to reality. Sometimes the world doesn't feel like enough or good, but then she sees a sunset, or a small hen taking care of it's chick, a hug from a friend, or the smell of a good meal from Xerxes. It's these small moments of joy and awe that remind her life isn't empty. 

 Faithful-   She has incredible faith. Yes, doubts come and go. However, she trusts everything has a purpose. That all the world is being led by a train conductor and she trusts the conductor to reach the destination. She doesn't need to feel that she must have control in everything. She's very passionate in what she believes in. 

 Courageous-   If she believes something is right or acting out to help someone else, she will not hesitate to face any of her fears. 

 Loves to be inspired-  She's always seeking inspiration from all places, especially things that invoke intense feeling. She feels it's a great outlet to let all the emotion inside her out. 


 Audience member:  She tends to take a backseat and watches a situation. She doesn't need to be the center of attention or even a participant. She really enjoys to just observe.


 Stubborn-  If she feels she is right, she won't back down from it. Even when everyone is telling her no. Having grown up without parents, she feels like she is mostly responsible for herself. She doesn't feel the need to ask permission for things. 

 Impractical:  She can take things very slow and sometimes get caught up in daydreams and thought experiments. She might just want to watch more before acting. She also likes to write before acting. She wants to fill countless of pages on her journal before any big decision. 

 Doesn't want to grow up-  She wants to stay a child. She keeps Tanuki to remind her that. She won't let go of him even if others tell her too. She's scared of growing up in a sense. She's scared of losing seeing the magic in life. 

 Takes comments personally-  She's not very good at hearing criticism because she takes it as a personal mistake on her part. 

 Awkward-  At times she just forgets words entirely and messes up speaking many times when feeling under pressure. She's not a good speaker. She's a much better writer. Writing is how she easily expressed her deepest feelings. She can't find the words to just talk it out. In fact, she much prefers text and letters then conversation. 

 When her passion is fading-  She becomes restless and dissatisfied with everything. She becomes lowkey



Lucie was a plush toy of a pokemon that was the beloved of a chinese girl named Ang-Yin. She grew up with the stufful and even took it to college. Ang-yin grew up to a literature professor and excelled in the classics and Sakuramini literature. She even taught a specialized course where her students would learn about essential and impactful Sakuramini authors. 

In her office, she placed the stufful and Lucie overheard many long discussions of philosophy, human nature, forgiveness, love, and bonding. She watched Ang-Yin grow old until Ang-Yin started coming and sitting in her office less and less. There would be days where Ang-yin would cough more then work. There was a special day when an ex-student arrived to the office. She already had a family of her own and was letting Ang-Yin meet her children. One of these was a little girl around the age of eight. Lucie watched Ang-Yin fawn and smile over the family then eye the plushie on her bookshelf. She walked over to her picking her up for the first time in decades. As the dust fell from her, she was walked over to the little girl. Lucie had been excited to watch another girl grow up, but she felt she would miss Ang-Yin

It ended up not mattering. 

The family was grateful and the little girl played with Lucie before forgetting her at the bench in the college grounds. A storm passed by and Lucie felt her exposed soft plush get all soggy and roll down next to the base of a bamboo tree. The bamboos blossomed shortly after.

She was lying there for a while until a small petal fell on top of her head.

This when Lucie Sharilyn Bambini arrived into the world. She laid there unsure what had just happened. She walked looking for Ang-Yin. The older woman had a near heart attack when she heard the story almost in disbelief that her beloved plushie had become a real girl. 

She drove Lucie home with her. Lucie didn't recognise anything about this home. She never even knew that Ang-Yin even had a family nor a husband. Unfortunately, her husband had passed away and her family was living far away. Ang-Yin wanted to move closer to her family, but she didn't have enough money to get tickets for both herself and Lucie. 

Her neighbor, a Sakuramimi himself, offered to take care of Lucie while Ang-yin was gone. This Sakuramini was one of the very authors that Ang-yin taught about in her classes. Lucie was in awe feeling like she had met a celebrity. He took her in because he wanted someone to take care of him in his old age. He never fell in love and lived his life pretty much dreaming, walking, and writing away. 

They would spend a lot of time taking walks and reading together. It didn't take long to teach Lucie how to read. She was enchanted by the whole process. One day, he gave her a one of a kind set of his own work to Lucie. It was written in a special ink that looked golden under certain lights and smelled like spring. She would these books over and over and over. After she read about an ice skater's life, she wanted to ice skate. He paid for her classes. 

Her caretaker was named Sanani Katahar, who had moved here from Nepal for a new location to be at and for one of his book's research. He felt that he was getting closer to the end of his life. He began putting his pen down and stopped writing so much. He would still make stories in his head, but these would only be heard by Lucie. 

Unfortunately, his idea of a few peaceful final years was smashed to pieces when Lucie was diagnosed with a truly awful case of scoliosis. 

Walking tired her out and he had to take her to ice skating games on a wheelchair. She would have to start sitting out and she couldn't do some moves entirely. It got so bad, the doctor said she would have to take a tremendously risky surgery to even live. If she recovered, it would take months. 

Sanani was hesitant. He thought long and hard about it. Some doctors told him it was better to die happy then have the surgery fail so bad that her last days would be extremely painful. Other doctors said it was worth the risk. He didn't know how much time he had left. One day, he finally decided, it would be better to do it now before he lost all his strength and couldn't help her. 

The doctors told Lucie she might never ice skate again. Her response was strange. It was sad, but hope wasn't lost in her expression. Instead of the doctors cheering her up, she would do her best to cheer them up. The surgery went nearly flawless. The only issue was that her lungs were not working without the machine. During this time, a young man would strike conversations with Sanani while he was waiting. The two became acquaintances. Before Lucie woke up, Sanani fell and hurt his hip. During that time, he needed to be in recovery. He asked the young man, who was a Bloompuff, to take care of the Lucie. He hesitantly agreed. 

Lucie recovered perfectly after the first scare. By a miracle, after the machine was unplugged, she began breathing on her own. She was worried for Sanani. She visited him with a tearful farewell before she left with the bloompuff. Sanani gave her one last present. A plush toy which was one of the characters from his beloved book. She gratefully took it. 

 Her story begins here:  Going to Xerxes's farm hoping to read, play with Tanuki, and hopefully work on ice skating once again. 


-She's not scared to pick up a bug or a lizard or a frog. She loves looking at creatures usually considered icky. 

-During the hospital visits. She talked to many people who were dying. She heard their stories and cried and laughed along with them

-Her godfather printed her copy of his books with a magical ink made from the petals of a tree induced with power. The more she pours over the book the better she gains an ability to make an illusion of a fictional character. 

-Her plush and book are with her always. The plush has been imbued so many times that she feels his emotions practically. 

- Sometimes she likes calling Tanuki, "Silly Bear" 

 Tanuki- Red Pands Plushie   

Is he real, is he just an illusion, is Lucie delusional? Who knows. 

The basics of his personality (fabricated or not is thus): 

In her Godfather's book Tanuki is a gloomy bear.   

 Serious-   He takes life seriously as opposed to Lucie's playful and childish view of life. He the type that sees the the glass half empty. 

 Quite pessimistic and almost finds morbid humor in it-  He thinks assumes the worst case scenario and relishes it almost when he's right. Always convinced doom is around the corner. Always ends with "It'll probably kill us, I don't wonder."

Despite all this gloom and pessimism, Tanuki is not depressed in the slightest. 

Bad situations will come and go, so you just have to face it. No use just sitting around or acting like it won't happen. 

 Put a bold face:  Even when he's not feeling brave. With actions feelings will come suit. 

He pretends to be enthusiastic and brave. 

 Determined beyond belief:  He will refuse to give up even when all reason, emotion, and spirit says too. 

 Practical and loyal:  His view on life is simple and he faces it head on in the most practical way he can see fit. 

 Steady worker-  Works at a slow pace and doesn't mind taking long. He likes taking his time. 

 Defensive-  Don't insult red pandas or plushies. He'll go through an entire rant. Lol. And it will be a very exasperated, and long.