Briarwood Black


Basic Info


Cat girl / Neko / "Otherspeki" / infected tarbeast





Body Type:

Medium waist, big thighs, pale, freckles galore

Favorite Colors:

Magenta, Cyan, Lime.


Changes by how far you're in the story, but between the ages of 16-29.


One of my Main Characters

Type of cat:

Rusty spotted cat, when she transforms into it, she's roughly about 6 inches tall. Gains big boosts of energy as a cat.


Singing, drawing, animating, writing.

Disorders / Big flaws:

(minor) Anxiety disorder, tarbeast infection, increasing possibility of a "Frenzied" state (see below full description)


Whips, mace (It can transform between the two, the whip is mostly used for lashing out and grabbing things, or tying objects together, whereas the mace is used to bash, break, or impale), and her claws (appear on her original set of arms, extension of fingernails)

Runes / Relics:

A charm bracelet, 2 of the charms being Relics. One can summon any materialistic object temporarily, and the other is a shard of a magical room key, which allows objects and people to enter a small pocket dimension. The original relic itself was shattered, and different people have the pieces, so she shares the room with several other people.


Only has minor powers of her own. She can turn into a cat, and pull out claws and fangs, but thats about it. (And her fangs are too short to actually do anything more than try to scare off threats)


Her old name was Lorelei, so if you see any drawings of her under the wrong name, thats why.