

4 years, 5 months ago


AgeAdult, immortal
Pronounsthey or it


NOAH is the name of the ship, built in a time of planetary crisis to carry a seed of humanity across the stars and away from a planet doomed to extinction. The crew is small, almost all functions delegated to the AI system, ~95% of all humans on board are in stasis for the journey.

Noah is the name of the person pretending to be an AI, whose body & consciousness are at the core of all computing the ship does. Only one other person on the crew knows that the AI system isn't totally artificial, and if all goes well it will stay that way.

Unfortunately, an accident heavily damages the power system. The plan for this is usually that Noah will stay in their pod and wait for the accomplice to get NOAH up and running again(while secretly ensuring Noah's needs are met), but unfortunately the accomplice is ALSO heavily damaged in this accident. So in the process of diverting all power to life support until repairs can be made, the rest of the crew end up shutting down Noah's pod with the rest of the ship and very-nearly suffocate them to death.

They make a mess removing themselves from all the tubing that keeps their body functional and go to investigate what the fuck is going on and scare the fuck out of everybody (because a green stranger showing up in a blackout is a horror story only amplified by the fact that they are IN SPACE and NOBODY THE CREW DOESN'T PERSONALLY KNOW SHOULD NOT BE CONSCIOUS).

Personality & Outlook

A serious person, helpful but a bit of a stick-in-the-mud. Can appreciate humor in down time but will get SO pissed at you for goofing off when work needs done & won't put up with bending/breaking of rules, to the point of anxiety when processes are not done correctly. Very job-oriented, this project is their life(even before it actually became their life).

They sacrificed a lot to get this ship off the ground and the weight of humanity's survival is ACTUALLY LITERALLY weighing on them so the thought of not doing their absolute best to ensure a safe journey is horrifying to them. If they made a preventable mistake that lead to a catasrophe they would never forgive themself(despite the fact that a catastrophe would likely involve them being too dead to regret anything).

Didn't really notice before they had to leave the pod but doesn't really like being human anymore!! It sucks being a big basket of safety with thousands of eyes and sensors of all kinds and constant access to all of human knowledge and then getting punted back into a flawed little meatbag who can only see one room at a time and not even that well. I mean they're still absolutely devoted to saving all humans but they want to go back to being a ship asap please.

Powers & Assets

Body modification allows them to plug themself into the ship NOAH & control all of its functions, they essentially become the ship. They have a lot of chips & shit in their brain and a lot of ports for both the actual interface and just to take care of their biological needs inside the pod(waste removal, food tube, etc). Otherwise they are just a green human with a tail.



UNNAMED [accomplice]
The only person on the (active) crew who was involved in the building of the ship, the only one who knows that the AI is not totally artificial, and on top of their other duties they also have to periodically check that Noah's pod is stocked with food slorp & whatnot. The secret is kept mostly to avoid an ethical dilemna/conflict in the middle of trying-to-avoid-extinction. It's a problem to be dealt with after they get a solid society going on their chosen haven planet.


Sci fi machinery with left medical supplies. Mysterious green fluids.


• Dyed green from the fluid in their pod. It's mainly a disinfectant. Also makes their skin pretty flakey/crusty. Get this bich some moisturizer.

• Due to atrophy, would absolutely not be able to stand if the artificial gravity was functional (they regret not augmenting their musculature).

• Usually I put all of my characters on the same world at the same time but these people are totally disconnected :D ???

Q & A

Q: Question
A: Answer

Artist Notes

  • Sickly looking, dyed-green, extremely thin.