Kenzie Sciene



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Kenzie Sciene (sheen)


Kenny, lust's human, Peach (As often referred to by Florence)






Bisexual (male lean) (biromantic)




December 26

Astrological/Zodiac sign





Lawful Neutral







 Physical Traits

Blood Type: B-

Preferred Hand: Right

Eye Colour: Magenta

Hair Colour: Blonde

Hairstyle: parted in the middle, with strands of hair from behind his ears to the front. Reaches to about underneath his shoulders

Skin Tone: Light

Makeup: eye liner 

Height: 163 cm (5'34" ft)

Weight: 53.3 kg (117.5 lb)

Body Type/Cup Size: ectomorphic

Birthmarks/Scars: N/a


Mental Traits

 IQ: 126

Allergies: n/a

Handicaps: n/a

Medication: n/a

Phobias: Scotomaphobia (fear of blindness, more specifically from blindfolds)

Addictions: n/a

Mental Disorders: n/a





Kenzie is a very creative and imaginative individual. It keeps his head full of ideas and always has something on his mind, though it may lead him to be very unfocused when he needs to think about something other than his art based ideas. Even so, he does his best to please others and accomplish what is expected of him, as long as it doesn't conflict with his morals and ideals. If he messes up, he is incredibly apologetic, and does a little too much just to say sorry. He is hasty in both his actions and words, and doesn't have much of a brain to mouth filter, and when he is given time to think about what to do, he is shown to be very indecisive, and relies on others to make decisions for him. That and he doesn't want to disappoint people with his words and choices. If he feels a certain emotion, or has a certain opinion, everyone around him will know quickly. He is generally very optimistic and generous, giving up his time and money just to help people, although in the case of money he does demand repayment, but a select few have been known to get away with not repaying, specifically close friends of his. Like his demon, he has a very keen eye for detail, which has been enhanced ever since he became bonded with his demon. He can now discover the same amount of detail that his demon can gain just by using his eyes, for better or for worse. He is very unconfident in himself when he is alone, but is gradually gaining confidence. He is the most confident when he is working in his realm of fashion or in battle alongside his demon. Kenzie would be very similar to his demon if only he had more confidence in his abilities at any time, and that includes the level of perverseness he shares with them. That, he would like to keep a secret for as long as possible, though his brain to mouth filter doesn't always work in that case.


Family and Relationships

Family: Xavier Sciene- Kenzie's father who he knows very little about on a personal level. Due to his feminine looks and acts, Kenzie doesn't really get noticed in the family, especially by his dad, who does not accept him as a member of the family. It is also why Kenzie has never met any grandparents or cousins. The two don't get along at all, and the atmosphere gets very tense when it is just the two in a room, but luckily his dad is always out on business trips and the like, so Kenzie doesn't have to worry too much. 

Shirley Sciene- The mother of Kenzie, unlike his father, is completely fine with Kenzie, or maybe her lack of attention to him is just denial. A bit of an airhead, she is also out and about with her work, but Kenzie does know more about her and would prefer her any day over his father. She does seem to support his career path though, which is a nice thing to hear for once

Clara Sciene- Kenzie's older sister, who has left the house for college. During the time she was living with them, she was Kenzie's main influence and caretaker, and is also where many of Kenzie's outfits come from, with adjustments made by himself. He gets along with her the best out of his family, and is always excited whenever he hears that she would be coming over to visit. He trusts her enough to keep his secrets, and in turn, she trusts everything with him

Pheobe Sciene- The youngest member in the family, Kenzie has to look after her on a daily basis on his own, due to the rest leaving the house for work. She is also the reason why Kenzie can't really hang out with friends very often, but Florence has helped with that issue. She tends to be a big troublemaker, and often times leaves Kenzie more stressed out than everything else he has going on in his life, but he still does his best to protect her

Groups/Factions: Saligiad Brigade (Seven Deadly Sins)- On the human side, Kenzie isn't the most sociable in the group, but he is one of the most sane, besides Violette. He makes sure that everyone does their job and doesn't go crazy over it. He is also the one with the most information regarding people, and combined with the disguising abilities that come with his trinket, he is a useful member of the team

Pets/Familiars: n/a

Lovers: - he's got a pretty big crush on Florence, though it is a bit... Forbidden 

- he also might as well have a crush on everybody else he knows

Marital Status: Single


Wardrobe: normal outfit- white shoulder less shirt, pink tank top, knee high heeled boots, shorts with a pink belt

school uniform- he wears the normal male top, but he wears a skirt instead of the normal pants. He wears the same heeled boots, and has pink accents on his uniform 

Accessories: Diamond Earring, sometimes wears black clips on his bangs, also has red glasses that he calls "thinking specs" and is only worn when working



Hobbies/Interests: fashion designing, sowing, drawing

Skills/Talents: design, sowing, drawing, singing, photography, photographic memory, observant, cooking

Likes: - the arts (specifically fashion)

- his magazine collection

- strawberries

- chocolate

- cute things especially people

- pink and yellow

- pop music

- bright "girly" outfits

Dislikes: - terrible colour coordination

- bitter greens

- anybody going through his magazines (or his computer for that matter)

- speaking in front of large crowds

- blind folds

- being alone or left out of groups

- coffee



Language(s): English, Japanese

Accent: English

Speech Impediments: n/a

Manner of Speech: Kenzie talks fairly casually, but is still polite, to those he knows and doesn't know. When under pressure or embarrassed, he stutters a lot and tends to say anything and everything that is on his mind. It is the same way in moments of strong emotions, he is known to just blurt out whatever comes into mind, which may or may not embarrass him even more. He isn't so vulgar, but does swear more often than his demon counterpart, especially when alone and thinks no one is listening.


Inner Demon

Host/ess of: Florence Luff, demon of Lust

Locked Trinket: Diamond earring

Passed Skills: enhanced condition (especially dexterity), enhanced sight, smell, disguises, also immune to many things his demon is immune to

Weapon: Bladed whip- with the press of a button, his normal leather whip can be bladed. Often used to bind opponents and snatch objects 


Other: - he uses his thinking specs whenever he needs ideas for projects

- he is very often mistaken for a girl at his school, and prefers to keep it that way for now. Though it does become difficult when people continuously ask him out, thinking he's a girl

- he has a very messy studio he works in. It used to be his room but it made sleeping very difficult, so he's got a separate, cleaner, bedroom