


4 years, 5 months ago




Alexandria Zolotova
19 y/o
6’ tall (183 cm)
Russian American currently staying in Taiwan for work
She's a novice model
Alexa almost ALWAYS has some sort of bag with her!
Alexa is part of a story with Cherry. They can be drawn together + as a couple!

Alexa loves being the center of attention and receiving compliments. Most people assume she's confident due to her being raised in a rich family and for fearlessly wearing the most loud outfits imaginable, but she actually is easily worried. Whether she's asking for reassurance with tears in her eyes, strutting down the street, or cheerfully talking to any stranger who walks by, Alexa does everything 100%. If you go out in public with her and do not match her energy, you will feel embarrassed and want to pretend you've never met her.

Alexa has an ability that allows her to store items in a bag and pull them out at will! This works for all objects regardless of size since they shrink and un-shrink based on whether or not they're in a bag. So if you want to draw her with pulling a chainsaw out of a handbag I wouldn’t question it, because that’s kinda what she does.

Story Summary:
Alexa is the daughter of an American actress and a successful Russian businessman/CEO. Growing up, her and her twin sister were raised under strict conditions, studying a variety of instruments, languages, business practices, and moving to and from Russia and America. Upon discovering her sexuality, her parents sent her away to continue her work as a model in Taiwan meanwhile cutting off her access to funds and communication with the family.

After arriving in Taiwan, Alexa awakens to a peculiar ability which allows her to manipulate the size of objects she places in bags. As soon as discovers this, she becomes targeted by countless dangerous organizations seeking to either destroy her or turn her into a lab rat. In the midst of all this chaos, she is a saved by a shady businessman who promises to protect her as long as she uses her ability to work for him and locate other ability users. With nobody else to turn to, she accepts the offer and begins monitoring her first target, Cherry Tsai.  
~And then the story begins~