


4 years, 4 months ago


Norien Satou

refined • condescending • prudent

Gender female
Age 17
Height 173cm
Blood Type AB
Birthdate January 29

"Don't be sorry. Just do it right!"

✩ Unintentionally coy -- Shy at times, Norien doesn't always realize when she steps beyond normal interactions and into something a little more flirtatious. When she does notice, she becomes flustered and has a hard time maintaining her composure.

✩ Graceful -- Fully in control of herself, she is sure on her feet and in almost every movement. Even when she feels awkward or intimidated, she doesn't quiver or physically stumble over herself. She has a wonderful sense of balance, movement, and tempo, and almost never betrays that.

✩ Bluntly blase -- When she doesn't care about something, Norien won't even feign interest. She's pretty blunt about not paying attention, and unapologetic when called out on it.

✩ Naive -- Norien sometimes appears stupid or clueless about certain topics. She knows what she ought to do, but doesn't always understand why. It's not often that she questions such things, as she prefers to spare herself the embarrassment of knowing what she's done or said wrongly.

✩ Domineering -- This girl likes to be in charge of the things that she knows well. That's not to say that she will always challenge power, as she doesn't like to be embarrassed when she's wrong, but Norien will always make sure to put in her two cents if someone else is wrong, and she will make an effort to take over, if they're way off.

✩ Proudly independent -- She won't take orders from others when she knows what she's doing. And she's not going to be some damsel in distress that needs rescuing. If she fails, she fails on her own, and not because someone else let her down. Norien's not waiting around for some white knight in shining armor. She'll just take care of herself.

HTML by lowkeywicked