

4 years, 6 months ago


Phi Aristides

"Fuck it, Kokichi cat."

Name Phi Aristides
Age 17??
Build small
Species Cat
Gender Non-Binary
Orientation Homosexual
Pronouns They/Them, He/Him
Class [info]
Magic Type Dark
h [info]


Astute | Perceptive

Enigmatic | Mischievous | Secretive

Arrogant | Untrusting

Appearing meek and innocent in looks, Phi is truly anything but that. Having a notably mischievous and almost childlike love of games and pranks, yet seemingly sly tongue and sharp cunning, their true nature is chaotic and hard to properly pin point.

Well known for the various antics they have caused around the academy, it's not at all uncommon for him to be seen in a place he very much should not be.

tba im jus lazy

Main Study | Shade

Shade | +0
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Curse | +0
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Command | +0
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.

No one??? Really knows what the FUCK his backstory is. If you ask them about their home dimension it's literally a different story Every. Time. without fail. On god, Phi probs doesn't even remember at this point either after the amount of times they've changed the story.

Elin Ephron
"I offered him some Forbbiden Juice from the Foutain of Iris and he had the GALL to shoo me out of Cygnus since I 'WaSn'T sUpPoSeD tO bE tHeRe' or whatever..."
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.