


4 years, 6 months ago


  • Reyna
  • Female
  • Wolpertinger
  • 22 years
  • 5,4 feet
  • ~200 pound
  • ?
  • Unknown,Winter

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.

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Born in some distant unknown snowy woods on some distant unknown mountains by a pair of regular snow hares, who are part of a drove of normal snow hares. But This particular Snow Hare was different from all the others, Born with a pair of small horns, Bird-like front feet, a colorful fur-ridge, some kind of chipmink tail and patches of colorful scales, this Snow Hare was definitly different from all the others in the drove. The at that time nameless Reyna, alwas felt left out by the other hares, bullied by some others and was never truly part of the group. Even her parents and siblings were kind of distant but still kept her around them. Early it became clear that she even was far bigger tha the other Hares, which made it harder for her to fit in. Her colorful fur was also a disadvantage, because she was easily to spot in the clear white snow, this made her an easy target for all kinds of predators. Only her fast legs and reflexes and her fast thinking kept her alive. All these incidents made the others hares even more warry of her. This made Reyna work hard to try to earn her a spot in the drove, trying to find the best places with food, the nicest places to hide, learning to be better at spoting predators or acting as a decoy when the drove was attacked. Slowly but surely she got the other hares to trust her more and the other became friendlier to her, getting her closer to the group. She became a full member of the drove and felt loved.Times passes and life was good. The drove was closer than ever and Reyna was truly happy, she worked hard to earn everyones trust and became much closer with everyone. But it wasnt meant to be forever like that... More times passes and something evil enters the snowy woods where they lived. A Grimbear, a bigger and more vicious version of a normal bear, entered their domain and wrecked havoc, hunting and killing all kinda of animals and creatures in these woods. Everyone was always on edge, always ready to run for their lives should the grimbear appear before them. The drove never had a silent and calm moment, always on the run from the predator. On one silent afternoon (at least it seemed that way), the whole drove of hares were sitting in a basin, enjoying the last warm rays of sun, some napping slighty, all seemed calm. When suddenly it got darker, suprised some opened their eyes to see with horror that the grimbear was standing above them, at the top of the basin. Shocked from this, most of the hares couldnt move a muscle and remaind where they where and looked full of horror at their predator, who starts to bend down and extending its giant clawed paws to grab one of the frozen hares, in particular the smallest of Reyna´s siblings. While now all the other hares run away from the basin, leaving the little hare to its fate...Reyna stopping andlooking back in shock as the Grimbear is about to tear into the little one with its sharp fangs and teeth, Reyna cant hold back anymore and rushed back to save her little sibling from its certain and gruesome death. But it looked like the wouldnt make it, she had to get faster and faster! And even if she could reach them in time...what would she do then? She may be bigger then the other hares but...she was still far smaller than the Grimbear... but she would see to that when she reached them, shaking her head to clear her mind, all what mattered now was to reach them and get the Grimbears attention so he would let go of her sibling. As she was approaching fast, the Grimbear started to notice the little odd looking hare who seemed to be fearlessly approaching him. But it was of no matter to him, this one too will be eaten by him in a matter of seconds. While thinking this he continues for his giant paw with the little hare in it, to move to his maw, already drooling for his little meal. Seeing this Reyna urged her body faster and faster, starting to feel some kind of anger and aggression she never felt before, wanting to claw at the Grimbear who was threating her family. Suddenly her body became hotter and hotter, it felt like her muscles were stretching and ripping. Her body felt heavier but she didnt slow down, even faster now. When she was just some inches away she jumped at the Grimbear with all the forces she had, extending her front paws at his head but....they didnt look like her little paws anymore but like giant bird-like claws, ready to rip him to shreds. When her claws made contact with him, the Grimbear in shock, loosed his grip on the little one and it fell to the ground which was also shocked for a few seconds but then ran like the wind, having escaped its certain death with only a few minor cuts from the bears claws. During the time the little sibling fled, Reyna was in a serious fight with the Grimbear, clawing at him, biting with her razor sharp teeth and screaming and grownling with a voice she never had before. The Grimbear was visibly uncertain about this situation, unsure what happed with the little hare that suddendly turned into a viscious monster slashing and grownling at him. Unsure if he could win against this...thing, the Grimbear turned around and started to run but Reyna in a rage, followed him and jumped on his back, continuing to slash at him and bitting him. Starting to whine and squeal, the Grimbear tried to run faster and shaking her off which he succeeded after a few tries. Reyna fell into a snow pile, panting and exhausted and coverd in the Grimbears bloodsplatters. She started to regain her senses and walked (on her new feet) back in the direction of the basin, tying to find her drove. She found them, sitting cautiously together and staring at her, but something was different. They looked at her like they did at the Grimbear, slowy she approached them but as she got closer they all ran into the woods, seemingly scared of her and her new appearance...she continied following her family and drove but they would always run away from her. Confused and heartbroken she wandered to a small river that didnt freeze and wanted to drink, since the fight against the Grimbear exhausted her and her throat was parched from the screaming and growling. As the bend down near the water to drink, she saw her now self for the first time, she still had the hare like features but she was far bigger than before and scared her and so she cried for the first time...

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'
  • Attack
  • Defence
  • Charisma
  • Speed
  • Intelligence