Reese Fusco (Dreese)



4 years, 5 months ago



This tab is specifically made for headcanons about Reese and Dante's relationship. While most of it is SFW, there is some NSFW that pertains to their relationship. This is a reminder to tell you that if you are a minor, to BACK OUT OF THIS TAB! By agreeing to click beyond this point, the creator has shed off any responsibilities of your actions and has done their utmost best to inform the reader of what is to come.


lovers. passion. connection


In-depth History

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.

Aliquam tempor ex in nisi tincidunt commodo. Nullam gravida enim ut elit pellentesque, eget dignissim augue mattis. Maecenas fermentum massa neque, eget posuere erat aliquet nec. Donec condimentum vehicula felis non sagittis. Nulla pulvinar lorem id faucibus interdum. Donec laoreet efficitur nunc, vitae faucibus magna eleifend vel. Duis pellentesque elit mollis feugiat sagittis. Nam ultrices urna a enim auctor, mattis pharetra massa finibus. Nullam molestie justo in accumsan sagittis. Donec sollicitudin posuere augue sit amet pellentesque.

Maecenas fermentum mauris ac mi vulputate, vel auctor dolor auctor. Donec eleifend congue egestas. Nullam pretium fringilla gravida. Integer scelerisque ut risus non luctus. Ut ut mi sed ligula sodales viverra at in ex. Etiam at elit magna. Nullam fermentum rutrum consectetur. Pellentesque tincidunt justo non dolor sagittis elementum. Suspendisse ultricies viverra nisi, in tristique urna elementum eget. In nunc ipsum, rhoncus ut lacinia lacinia, aliquet et nulla. Sed vel aliquam nibh. Sed purus velit, iaculis et urna lacinia, eleifend imperdiet urna. Praesent hendrerit purus sit amet ligula ultrices luctus. Vestibulum pulvinar egestas enim quis rutrum.


Dante is a huge fan of kissing her bare skin, especially her back, and cuddling after sex.

Dante will often pretend to be asleep in order to get Reese to “wake” him in a more erotic way.

Ever since Nico created his Dr. Faust Devil Arm, Dante has thoroughly enjoyed Reese’s willingness to humor him with the reverse cowgirl position. He loves being near a mirror to see her wear the hat. Seeing her face, along with hearing her moans, increases his pleasure. Reese is uncomfortable with her own image and often lowers the hat to cover her eyes, which is an image Dante finds incredibly sexy.

When Reese first activates her Devil Trigger, she isn’t able to control it. She becomes somewhat feral and loses all sense of self. Because of this, Dante is forced to restrain her via chains around her wrists, ankles, and a collar around her neck with a chain attached to it. When she comes to, her clothes are tattered and she has no memory of her demonic form. Reese, completely aware of Dante’s lust in the image of her vulnerability, will pose the idea of sex and chains when she is not feeling so disorientated.

They are both guilty of body worship.

Reese saw Dante push his hair back once to test if he should get a haircut. While she doesn’t have a particular preference to how he styles his hair, that was enough to turn her on. Sometimes during sex, she’ll push his hair back.

Dante is more of a talker while Reese is more of a screamer. He won’t allow her to cum if she doesn’t say corny lines he comes up with for her.

He will show no mercy if he's the one taking charge.

Dante is a biter, if anything, because it hits Reese's weak points.

Misc. Info

Reese’s favorite holiday is Halloween. She loves to pretend to be a vampire as an excuse to bite, nip, and leave hickeys on Dante’s neck.

Dante often allows Reese to take the lead in their sexcapades. He knows she doesn’t like to feel inferior or feel like she’s being controlled even if she doesn’t say it out loud.

Dante will often grope and fondle her in the middle of her private dancing lessons with him, or when she needs his help practicing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet.